Course Category: Pastoral Ministries

  • Counseling II

    by Jim Richards
    • Counseling 2 - $149.00

    This course provides an introduction into the fundamentals of psychology and counseling with special attention devoted to the nine modalities of counseling. The strengths and weaknesses of these approaches will be openly discussed. Special emphasis will be given on using this information in light of biblical principles. From this class the student will begin to form his basic approach to counseling techniques.

  • Counseling 1

    by Jim Richards
    • Counseling 1 - $149.00

    This course is the basis from which all our counseling programs will be understood. This is a comprehensive introduction into motivational behavior. The number one reason for failure in business and ministry is a lack of people skills. This class provides an academic and experiential look into basic behavioral patterns. The model for this study, based on the theory and application of the DISC behavioral profile developed by Dr. John Geir of the University of Minnesota, will provide a foundation for understanding yourself and others. This is key for basic communication, negotiation, counseling and walking in love. You will understand yourself and others better than you ever believed possible.

  • Administration 3

    by Ron Marquardt
    • Administration 3 - $149.00

    This course provides the tools for establishing and leading a dream team. There will be lectures by the heads of principal departments of Impact of Huntsville and/ or other successful ministries. They will give unique insight to problems and solutions of everyday departmental issues they face. This is practical information essential for starting and managing a successful church or ministry. You will discover how to develop synergy and congruence in every department, thereby optimizing your every effort. This is an advanced study in team building.

  • Administration 2

    by Jim Richards
    • Administration 2 - $149.00

    TEAM BUILDING involves each student in the process of identifying and understanding the necessary personnel essential for building an innovative team. This is an advanced people-skills course implementing that which is essential to developing successful leadership. This course will show how to take an idea from conception to completion and how to build the team that can make it happen. You will learn at what stages a project should be handed off to each team member and to which member it should go next.

  • Administration 1

    by Jim Richards
    • Administration 1 - $149.00

    an objective and experiential look at the basic elements of administration. Through personal assessment and unique assignments you will learn the first step to corporate administration: taking control of your oown life. You will learn the spiritual and practical elements that are essential to success as you are enabled to identify and avoid the most common failures in both ministry and business. You will be able to develop the skills and acquire the tools for personal and corporate time-management.