
  • Greek 1

    by Ted Van Diepen
    5 Lessonsin
    • Greek 1 - $149.00

    An introduction to orthography, the parts of speech and syntax of the Greek noun (cases, adjectives, definite article, preposition) and the syntax of the Greek verb (person, number, voice, mood, tense, infinitive, participle, adverb, conjunction and particle). Instruction in the use of the Greek Interlinear New Testament and the Analytical Greek Lexicon. This class will give you the skills needed to do biblical research as well as develop your language skills.

  • Family Relations

    by Jim Richards
    • Family Relations - $149.00

    A study of God’s plan, structure and framework for fulfilling the marital relationship. Special attention is devoted to Scriptural principles for dating, marriage and child raising. This class will break the antiquated stereotypes that have destroyed the intimacy and fulfillment of marriage.

  • Effective Communication

    by admin
    1 Lessonin
    • Effective Communications - $149.00

    Communication is essential to successful ministry. It doesn’t matter what you have to say if you cannot make it understandable to the hearer. This study of the basic parts of speech and syntax of the English sentence is the starting place for learning effective communication.

  • Demonology and Deliverance

    by Jim Richards
    • Demonology and Deliverance - $149.00

    Demonology and deliverance is a confusing doctrine that tends to build fear instead of faith in the heart of the average believer. This is an in-depth study in the origin and activity of the devil and demons in Planet Earth. This class will strip away every fear and every myth you have held about the devil and his power. The goal of the class is to train the student to successfully minister to those oppressed or possessed by spirits and bring them into absolute victory. You will never fear the devil again!

  • Counseling III

    by Jim Richards
    • Counseling 3 - $149.00

    An in-depth look at human behavior and motivational beliefs. This advanced study focuses on the role of beliefs and their effect on subsequent behavior. Special emphasis is placed on various methodologies which are able to influence the deep-seated beliefs of the heart. You will learn how to establishing new behavior that emerges from heartfelt beliefs. You will acquire the tools to change any behavior through modifying beliefs.