
  • Foundations of Faith

    by Jim Richards
    • Foundations of Faith - $149.00

    These are the doctrines that comprise the foundation for all New Testament theology. Paul identified these as the basic foundations for faith. Apart from this foundation, the New Testament believers find themselves drowning in a sea of conflicting beliefs that mix Old Testament legalism with New Testament promises.

  • Pastoral Epistles

    by Jim Richards
    6 Lessonsin
    • Pastoral Epistles - $149.00

    This Course shows how Paul mentored Timothy to develop him into a man of character and faith. This verse-by-verse study of I and II Timothy and Titus is supplemented with selected pastoral instruction from other New Testament epistles. Learn the principles that Paul used to select and develop leaders. This class will help you avoid some of the most common pitfalls in developing yourself as a leader.

  • General Epistles

    by Jim Richards
    6 Lessonsin
    • General Epistles - $149.00

    A verse-by-verse study that covers the epistles of I and II Thessalonians, Philemon, James, I and II Peter, I, II and III John, and Jude. Special attention is given to the promises and the New Covenant provisions for the believer. Many hard-to-answer questions are addressed in the books.

  • Faith

    by Jim Richards
    • Faith - $149.00

    An extremely misunderstood topic. What is supposed to be a place of rest and peace has become a den of torment. Faith has been turned to dead works as we have tried to get enough faith to move God. This fundamental, spiritual law is exhaustively researched and analyzed due to its importance as the only basis for taking hold of the promises of God. Special attention is given to the Gospel of Peace as the basis for faith. This class will prevent you from turning faith into a destructive law of “dead works.” You will find the place of rest.

  • II Corinthians

    by Ron Marquardt
    5 Lessonsin
    • Second Corinthians - $149.00

    Paul’s follow-up letter to the church that had so many problems. Discover many aspects of grace and personal development though this verse-byverse study with a detailed analysis of the promises of God through the exchange of Jesus Christ on the Cross. Special attention is given to “Paul’s thorn.” You will gain an insight that few people ever discover about experiencing God’s grace