In choosing the Faith course you are taking an important step in your personal and ministerial growth. The Faith course will give you a stability and consistency in your theology. You will also begin to notice a clearer insight into the scriptures while enjoying the enabling grace of God that is yours by His design.
Most Christians cannot get what they say they believe to work in their lives consistently and become frustrated and disheartened. This is not necessarily because they believe wrong doctrine but most often because they have built their beliefs upon a faulty foundation.
The Faith class will help you to break through those places where your faith often seems to get short-circuited. You will find new life and empowerment as your belief system is established on a sure foundation.
I trust that this course and any other that you choose to take through Impact International School of Ministry will prove to be enjoyable and life changing.
With eternity in mind,
Jim Richards
Goal of this Class: To help you thoroughly understand and be rooted in New Testament concepts of faith.
Required Reading: Gospel of Peace
Meditation Exercise: Once each week meditate about a particular area of faith that you realize is not grounded in the New Covenant
Papers: Each week write one – two pages, using complete sentences that describe what you processed that week in your meditation.
Faith Lesson 1
Faith Lesson 2
Faith Study Guide 2
Faith Lesson 3
faith Study Guide 3
Faith Lesson 4
Faith Study Guide 4
Faith Lesson 5
Faith Study Guide 5