Praise & Worship

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The decision to take this course will prove to be a vital step in your personal and ministerial development.  Your paradigms of praise & worship may be challenged. Use the Bible as your source for understanding, not past experience or someone’s teaching.  Test all that you hear by the Word of God.

This class will provide an introduction to the practical and spiritual principles that are involved in leading a praise and worship service.  Special emphasis will be placed on learning to experience God in praise and worship.

Impact International School of Ministry is committed to equipping a new breed of leaders and a more confident believer. We are not interested in the mere sharing of information. We want to empower you to live in the Grace of God.  May your journey be pleasant and rewarding. When you finish this course you will want to look at other courses that will help you fulfill your call!


Jim Richards

Class Description: This class is designed to provide a theological basis for praise and worship.  Additionally, this class will provide an introduction to the practical and spiritual principles that are involved in leading a praise and worship service.  Special emphasis will be placed on learning to experience God in praise and worship.

Goals: 1.  To provide a New Testament basis for praise and worship.

  1. To understand the dynamics of personal interaction between God and man.
  2. To understand the dynamics of worship between the congregation, God and the worship leader.

Required Reading: “Worship His Majesty” by Jack Hayford

Assignments: A class paper on Praise and worship that includes

  1. No less than 15 pages, typed, double spaced
  2. Expressions of worship
  3. Public and private praise and worship
  4. Gifts of the Spirit in praise and worship

Praise & Worship