Blessing: a spoken positive; the finished work of Jesus qualifies me for the blessings of God.
Blind (-ness): in addition to physical blindness, spiritual blindness occurs when our broken hearts blind us from the freedom God offers and we remain in darkness, or the prison of our minds, e.g., Isaiah 42:7-9 and Luke 4:18.
Body: the subconscious mind; the part of your being in which you experience the physical realm through your five senses, and your experience being determined by the beliefs of your heart.
Bondservant: in the New Testament: a servant who has been legally set free but has declared his love and loyalty to his master and a personal desire to continue to serve him; in the Old Testament: a “love” servant.
Boundaries: barriers; (Proverbs 4:23).
Brain: a physical organ that processes thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations, and changes those thoughts and emotions into something physical or changes the physical sensations into thoughts and emotions.
Brokenhearted): to be shattered or broken into pieces (Isaiah’s reference to the brokenhearted); a heart that has been trampled and so filled with pain that it makes it impossible to live the abundant life.
Brotherly kindness: phileo love; a love-feast between believers without conflict of rank or hypocrisy, expressing goodwill, hospitality & endurance during times of hardship & persecution (which was highly valued then as the bonds of brotherhood strengthened their ability to persevere (patience) (2 Peter 1:7).
Calvinism: ultimate reconciliation
Carnal: naturally minded; flesh; relating through the physical five senses; the way we think before we get saved; the way we think after we get saved but before renewing our minds.
Cast out: the act of using your influence and authority to “send away” or “forgive” or “put off” an annoyance, debt, trespass or offense for another person with that person’s full cooperation, permission and agreement; See forgiveness and put off.
Charity: agape love that expresses value & worth to everyone.
Chastisement: to discipline as a father draws or compels the child he loves.
Cellular memory: in light of the two core faith laws 1) I’m created in the likeness and image of God, and 2) I have authority – seed (beliefs) that’s been planted, nurtured and flourishing in my life, good or bad, which is triggered by associations.
Christian: “little imitator” of a certain way of life versus religious or believer. Neither Jesus nor God ever referred to believers as Christians; it was the world who mockingly coined the name in Antioch
Christmas: December 25th is the day of the Sun god; Catholicism introduced pagan holidays by giving them Christian names in an attempt to get people involved in their religion. Catholicism means “universal” and they wanted a universal church that included all other religions and other religious practices. It is not the actual day Jesus was born.
Circumcise: to cut off”
Church: from the Greek word ecclesia, “the called out”; the people of God; the body of Christ; not an organization or a building.
Clergy: “anointed ones”; the concept of clergy versus laity is a class distinction involving the right to study and understand Scripture personally, making the laity reliant on the clergy. (See Laymen).
Codependent: looking to a source outside yourself or God to meet a need that can only be met in Him.
Communion: to share something in common.
Condemnation: the expectation of judgment that comes from guilt and shame. (See guilt and shame.)
Confession: 1) throw a stone – just as you would remove a pebble from your shoe & throw it, you must also take hold of your problem (own it) and throw it away (put off). 2) to say the same thing God says about me or my situation according to the finished work of Jesus (put on); an agreement; a declaration of reality; an admission of facts; an affirmation.
Conflicted: when the heart and mind are in disagreement over what is reality (See Confusion).
Conformists: one of the three sects of Protestantism that emerged after the Reformation, and of whose religious practices conformed with the requirements of the Act of Uniformity and so were in concert with the Church of England.
Confusion/ed: a self-induced, disordered mental state, which arises from being presented with the truth but unwilling to repent (See Conflicted.)
Conscience: 1) voice of the heart; Greek: co-perception that produces healthiness, wholeness or soundness; con = dual and science = knowledge; a compound word meaning dual knowledge. Through my five senses I have knowledge of the physical world and through my inner man I have knowledge of the invisible world. The physical body gathers data based on tangible input, and the inner senses gather information based on energetic, or intangible, input. The data of the five senses is evaluated by the intellect (mind), while the energetic data is evaluated through the intuitive knowledge of the heart. When there is disagreement between the heart and the mind, you experience conflict or confusion. This lack of harmony produces feelings of dis-ease, which leads to stress, guilt or other negative feelings that have the potential to physically manifest as illness or disease. 2) A clear conscience keeps you in the peace of God. You can be doing everything biblically right and still be tormented in your mind and filled with guilt, but a heart filled with peace can see the path clearly.
Core Attitudes: faith, hope and love while the relative opposites are doubt, condemnation, and fear.
Covenant: the old and new covenants are contracts outlying the terms of how God is to relate to man versus the old and new testaments which comprise the historical accounts for teaching man how to live a righteous life.
Covering: an Old Testament concept for temporarily handling sin until Jesus could come to be the propitiation (exchange) for sin, but it could never clear the conscience of the sinner.
Conviction: when the Holy Spirit convinces you of the truth
Crooked heart: not straight; a bent heart, like a prism when light passes through it, bends or distorts truth. A crooked heart is not necessarily evil or bad, but rather it is a heart that is not in alignment with God’s truth.
Cultural Christian: person whose beliefs are rooted in culture versus rather than the finished work of Jesus.
Culture: passed down traditions that have been accepted as norms in order to produce a feeling of security so people don’t feel the need to address their decisions about life.
Curse: the harvest of the seed we have planted (the Law of the Seed); falling into peril after having received the fulfillment of our pursuit of God’s promises in contradiction to His prescribed manner—not a punishment from God; one Hebrew translation: “sheep for slaughter,” which means we set ourselves up like sheep for slaughter when we reject God’s wisdom for our own; a spoken negative.
Darkness: distortion of truth; not being able to see clearly; when we depart from the Word as Jesus interpreted it based on his life, teaching & the DBR; brings death. In the areas of healing, finances & relationships, we are more resistant – not b/c it’s harder for God to work in our lives in those areas – we are more resistant b/c we are less willing to make adjustments & changes to how we see God & ourselves. We all find ourselves in darkness from time to time. If we abide in that darkness, it will eventually spread to other areas of our lives: emotional/mental, physical to finally those around me.
Day of Wrath: when God pours out his anger onto the anti-Christ & his followers for rejecting the free gift of righteousness in Jesus during the Tribulation.
Deacon: servant
Dead works/Flesh: not the same as evil works; attempting to be made righteous through the flesh, your ability or performance, instead of believing that you are righteous because of the work of the Lord JC through his DBR; the work, effort, striving and straining (doing the best we can) in an attempt to appease, please or earn from God that which He has already given in Christ: righteousness, out of which all the blessings flow (Matthew 6:33)! We must repent from these dead works by renewing our minds of our righteousness in Christ – not a righteousness of our own ability.
Death: the ultimate death is separation from God. Yet, God has delivered us from the fear of death (Hebrews 2:14-15).
Debt (Matthew 6:12): that which is owed or legally due; the legal right to hold someone accountable, be angry, hold a grudge or take action against them.
Deceitfulness of sin: hardness of heart (see Hardness of Heart); the momentary pleasure sin creates followed by the destructiveness that ensues.
Demoralization: the attempt to lead people into lawlessness (iniquity), not just immoral living by destroying a consciousness of God so mane will determine good and evil for themselves.
Desire: God-given wants, needs, expectations for positive benefit; lust. All basic desires are God-given.
Devil: see Satan.
Disciple: a person who builds his life on Jesus’s interpretation and model of the word of God; applies God’s truth, principles and wisdom in everyday life and bears the fruit of the Spirit of godly character, wisdom and power.
Disease: the state of being when the lack of harmony between my heart and mind produces thoughts, emotions and feelings of uneasiness, conflict, pain, suffering, etc., that have the potential to manifest into physical symptoms of illness; See Conscience.
Dispensationalism: 1) God has structured his relationship with man in stages as test of faithfulness to each revelation given: a) innocence (before the fall); b) conscience (Adam to Noah); c) government (Noah to Babel); d) promise (Abraham to Moses); e) Law (Moses to Christ); f) grace (Pentacost to rapture); and g) the millennium; 2) holds to a literal interpretation of scripture, not denying existence of figures of speech & non-literal language but rather literal meaning behind the figurative passages; 3) due to literalism, it holds a distinction between Israel and the church, the promises made in the OT not being prophecies for the future church, but instead fulfilled by Israel itself.
Dominion: the right and power to govern.
Door: an entryway into the heart for being able to perceive that which is promised in the Gospel.
Double-minded: double-souled; doubt; the state of being caught between two opposing beliefs; wavering to one side of the conscience which is God’s perspective to the other side of the conscience which is from the natural mind. (See conscience.) When the perception of your natural mind isn’t congruent with God’s perception in your heart, you will be conflicted, confused, in doubt, double-minded, wavering, unstable, and have what the bible calls a crooked heart. It’s like having strabismus – the eye muscles of the two eyes don’t work congruently to make vision possible, so you’re always seeing with one eye OR the other.
Doubt: literally, to waver; double-minded; the opposing of two conflicting beliefs; not an absence of faith but the presence of two conflicting beliefs. Two opposing beliefs cannot occupy the same space; therefore, the stronger of the two will produce doubt and conflict, causing a person to be double-minded. All doubt has its root in fear.
Dualism: a form of idolatry; the theistic doctrine of Satanism that God and Satan are nearly equal in power and warring over the fate of man, and the winner has not yet been determined. In actuality, it is actually Satan and man that are warring over planet earth.
Dying to self: surrendering your opinion of God, yourself, life, the world, how it should work, etc. to God’s opinion; being able to be wrong and be comfortable with it.
Ears to hear: this is a phrase Jesus used referring to those who had the willingness and capacity to recognize the truth and application of God’s word as he presented it.
Effectual and fervent (James 5:16): a prayer prayed in faith along with the associated emotions and feelings of being fully persuaded in your heart and mind of truth.
Ego: your need to be right and protect itself which prevents you from accepting truth.
Emotions: strong, acute but temporary feelings generated by the thoughts of the mind; as quickly as your thoughts change, your emotions change; feelings are just the opposite.
Error of Balaam: thinking that God will curse that which he has already blessed. (See Way of Balaam)
Eschatology: part of theology concerned with the final events of history, or the ultimate destiny of humanity.
Eye(s) of the Lord: God’s capacity to look past the external and straight into your heart. God is a heart God.
Faith: the absolute trust that produces obedience; Hebrews 11:1 – being fully persuaded of who you are in Christ is the substructure for habitually live a godly life in confident expectation of the promises of God manifesting in your life; the application of the law of faith is an application of a law of physics. Four types of faith:
Dead faith: faith without works
Small faith: believing for small things that don’t require very much personal demand
Vain faith: when you start out believing but stop believing before you receive
Great or perfect faith: fully persuaded of truth, absolute trust in God and 100% commitment to receiving it demonstrated through obedience
Two Laws of faith: 1) Man is created in the likeness and image of God, and 2) Man has authority.
Faith-righteousness: to accept the free gift of righteousness from Jesus as your righteousness by faith.
False science: irreverent babble and godless chatter, with the vain and empty and worldly phrases, and the subtleties and the contradictions in what is falsely called knowledge and spiritual illumination (1 Timothy 6:20). Amplified version
Favor: the attraction, affection and protection of God that makes people, circumstances and powers want to cooperate with me.
Fatalism: the false concept of sovereignty that teaches God is in control of everything; everything happens for a reason; and God works in mysterious or unknowable ways. This concept erupted from the worship of false gods that required sacrifices and if unsatisfied would wreak havoc in unpredictable ways through hardship and punishment.
Fear: an abiding sense of unworthiness accompanied by the pervasive, pessimistic feeling that what you want will not happen.
Fear of the Lord: reverent worship of God.
Feelings: subtle, abiding, long-term emotions generated by the thoughts and beliefs of the heart and reflect your sense of self; emotions are the opposite.
Fellowship (Greek): koinoonia – something people have in common and refers more to what people have in common with Christ rather than people enjoying time together. What we have in common with Christ is the resurrected life; the sharing of common resources.
Filled (influenced) with the Holy Spirit: to yield to the influence (not a literal filling up with) by the Holy Spirit; Ephesians 5:8 compares being under the influence of alcohol to being under the influence of the Holy Spirit, for which both you subject yourself to – it’s not something done to you against your will; while everything that God has and is has been downloaded into your spirit, God still only influences your heart when you are willing to yield it.
First law of reference: one of the most important rules of biblical interpretation, which means to go to the first time something is mentioned in Scripture to get the clearest, most concise understanding of a truth. While other factors could compound or augment our understanding of that truth, they can never change that truth.
Flesh/Dead Works: attempting to be righteous by his own ability or (dead) works; being dominated by the five physical senses and attempting to satisfy them apart from God’s life instructions; dead works; trying to fulfill the law in your own strength; the opposite of grace; trying to earn something from God; the attempt to satisfy God through your efforts and strength. When man was created, he was dominated by the spirit, but when he alienated himself from God in order to sin, he became dominated by the flesh – his physical five senses.
Fool: an unteachable person who, by choice, rejects the wisdom of God & suffers the consequences.
Forgiveness: literally, to “send away” or “put off” an annoyance, debt, trespass or offense; See cast out and put off.
Foundation of faith (trusting God): 1) believing the original account of creation. God created the world in 6/24 hour days, just like the bible says. If you don’t believe in creation, everything else you believe about God will be undermined. 2) God created man in his likeness and image. How you answer these two questions will ultimately color everything you believe about God.
Foundations of the faith: Hebrews 6:1-2
Repentance from dead works – most important
Faith toward God – most important
Doctrine of Baptisms
Laying on of hands
Resurrection of the dead
Eternal judgment
Freedom: an abiding sense of wholeness and personal responsibility. The bible very often warns of the danger in using freedom as a cover-up for those things that will destroy you.
Fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
Frustration: a desire unfulfilled.
Gentile heresy: at the time of the apostles, gentiles embraced philosophies constructed around secret knowledge, which brought about the birth of occults.
Gifts of the Spirit (1 Corinthians 12): wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discerning of spirits, tongues and interpretation of tongues; all the gifts are available to believers and manifest through the Holy Spirit who knows which one(s) are needed at the time.
Glory (from the Greek transliterated word “doxa”): the view and the opinion that God has, which is reality; a term very much in sync with the word “righteousness” (see Righteousness). Giving glory to God is more than just thanking God for answering prayer or praising Him; it’s acknowledging that His truth is greater than your paradigm, your sickness, your situation, etc. Seeing the glory of God is when we perceive that God is who He says he is, who JC portrayed him to be. When you embrace a new reality, you are moved from “glory to glory”, from one opinion to another opinion that is greater than the one before.
Glory to glory: moving from one opinion/view to another that is greater than the one before.
Gnosticism: the belief that only those with secret knowledge will be saved and inherit full son-ship.
Godliness: being mindful of God in every situation (Colossians 3:2); a continual awareness or consciousness of God by exercising your mind in righteousness; God-li(ke)-ness is living out of your righteousness (as you should be, as God sees you & as you truly are in Christ).
Good: harmony; harmonious with what God’s intention, what He conceived in His heart and everything else He had made.
Gospel (good news): literally, good news; the power of God unto salvation (sozo); the reward for good news.
Grace: Greek word “charis” from the root word for charisma, which means to deliver and protect; it was the power that worked in JC, in the apostles and in the heart of every believer to live above sin and do good works; it is God’s ability, strength and power working from your heart to bring about painless, permanent, positive and effortless transformation;
Graven Image: literally, a carved image of wood or stone; figuratively (and the new covenant interpretation) any image you create (carve) in your mind of who God is that is inconsistent with scripture. In the new covenant, a graven image is described as a vain imagination.
Growth: the process by which information takes root in the heart and becomes a belief (reality) through consideration, thought, study and meditation.
Guilt: the emotional response to violating your moral code of conduct or conscience; leads to shame. (See shame.)
Hallowed (be thy name): to acknowledge as being holy or not common; praying the prayer of faith in the name of God that pertains to your situation, e.g., Jehovah Jireh, Tsidkenu, Shalom, etc.
Hardness of heart: insensitive or blind heart; a heart that cannot see or perceive; to ignore, disregard, or reject God’s commandments and intentions, thereby disabling the ability to sense, feel, and recognize God’s leading (See Deceitfulness of Sin).
Harmonize: the state of congruence between the heart and mind, which leads to the actions you take resulting in the desired outcome; when harmony is absent, you will feel confused and conflicted, and paralyzed to make decisions and take action.
Head of the home: being responsible for bringing love into the home; making the wife and children feel safe.
Heart: the real you; the overlapping of the soul and spirit which comprises the “real me”; the core of our beliefs.
Hedonism: to live for pleasure, to do whatever it takes to experience pleasure. John warned the seven churches very strongly in the book of Revelation about their hedonism, & their belief that sin doesn’t affect the spirit because it was committed by & affected only the body. (opposite of asceticism).
Holy: uncommon, unique, precious, special.
Holy Place (temple, tabernacle): your spirit, where God now resides; the new mercy seat of God; the place from which He influences my heart with truth.
Holy Spirit: the one called alongside to help; teacher, guide, comforter.
Hope: the confident expectation of good (not in a specific outcome).
Humble: teachable; not too proud or self-righteous to learn.
Humanism: the birth of philosophy, the concept that puts man at the center. Through his own logic and reasoning can decide good and evil for himself, therefore, he becomes his own savior, and philosophy and science become his bible. His own logic becomes the “voice of the spirit”. See “iniquity” and “Satanism”.
Humility: surrendering your opinion to God’s opinion; dying to self; putting off the old man and putting on the new man.
Identity: the first stage in our internal hierarchy of our life matrix which seeks to answer the question, “Who am I?” It starts by looking for someone or some group that will accept us with whom we can identify. Religion says that God can’t love or accept you the way you are; he has no value for you, so you need to get saved. After you get saved, religion says that God can only love & accept you if you do everything right. Religion always dangles the carrot of God’s love, acceptance & approval in front of you but tells you all the reasons why you’ll never get it. Once we find someone with whom to identify, we start wanting their approval. This is when we move into the second stage of our internal hierarchy of self-image. (See self-image).
Idolatry: OT idolatry was the forming of a physical image that was bowed down to & worshipped. NC idolatry has to do with our vain imaginations (2 Cor 10:5), which are any thoughts, ideas & beliefs that we exalt above God’s knowledge, wisdom & truth. When I substitute this new “information-revelation” for a connection with God, knowledge has now become my God & my love, my talk, my focus becomes about what I know instead of who I know.
Image: the way you see yourself and God, which is directly proportional to the quality of life you experience.
Imagination: a compound word which means to give shape to something or frame it up, and includes the concept of meditation, which is neither good nor evil; that is determined by the intention of the person who is meditating.
In the name of Jesus: an expression of power and authority used to shift the focus from your circumstances to the finished work of Jesus; not to be used as a magical incantation but rather from a heart that has been fully persuaded (faith) of truth.
Influence: the act of seeking agreement.
Iniquity: lawlessness, no law or anti-law; the core evil that launched Lucifer’s rebellion, earmarks the rise of the antichrist and will bring about the final rebellion at the end of the millennium; the rejection of God’s commands as the standard for love, ethics, morality, justice and all aspects of a healthy life and relationships; the foundational doctrine of all world religions that rejects God’s word as the absolute truth; a twisting or corrupting of truth until it becomes in direct contradiction to the truth in order to make people afraid of God, to make Him seem untrustworthy, to make Him appear to be a liar, a hoarder of vital truth & to make Satan appear to be the light-bearer, the enlightened one; rejecting or twisting God’s commandments as the only standard for morals, values, ethics, civility, health, finance, safety; .
Insecurity: misplaced security; lack of confidence; feelings of inadequacy about yourself.
Inspiration: literally, “in spirit”; when the influence of the Holy Spirit ignites the feeling of possibility; it is the starting place of transformation while faith is the process.
“Intellectual Only”: a person who, afraid and distrustful of his feelings, has turned reality upside down; threatened by feelings and the possibility of being out of control and causing actions the intellectual mind doesn’t condone, thereby damaging the intellectually, ego-driven life.
Intercession: praying for the heart of another person to receive the good news of the gospel for any situation.
Internal hierarchy: our internal hierarchy makes up our life matrix, and is a series of beliefs that through which every time we make a decision or are presented with an opportunity, we filter those through this hierarchy of: identity, self-image, self-worth and self-confidence. For example, when you see a potential opportunity, you will either qualify yourself or disqualify yourself based on that internal hierarchy. In otherw words, your internal hierarchy determines if you feel qualified or disqualified for the opportunities before you. (See Life Matrix).
James, Thebook of: written about religious people playing political, control-freak games, creating chaos and problems, and then blaming God for it; the New Testament equivalent to the book of Job.
Jealousy: coveting what someone else has.
Jealousy (of God): intolerance for idolatry; faith requires your whole heart: love the Lord your God with ALL your heart, soul & mind.
Joy: the continual celebration that occurs in your heart because you have access to God and all of His resources.
Judge/Judgment: decision; when you decide you know the motive(s) behind someone else’s words or actions, particularly when you decide the motive is to cause you offense which produces pain, anger, rejection, sorrow, etc.
Judgment Seat of Christ: when the works of the righteous pass through fire to be judged whether or not their motives were from love. Those that are not will burn (hay, wood and stubble), and for those that remain (gold, silver and precious stones) rewards will be given.
Judiasm/Judiazer: the belief that you are saved by grace but made righteous by your works; it denies the free gift of righteousness given to us by God in Christ.
Justified: made righteous.
Keys of the kingdom: Matthew 6:19 – binding and loosing what is illegal/legal in heaven here on earth as Jesus established it in heaven based on our rights through the DBR; represents many things, but the most common is the authority to act and the right and ability to open and close doors (see the Kingdom of God/Heaven).
Kingdom of God: God’s will–as Jesus established in heaven–that we establish in our hearts; the realm we enter through the door of the heart when we believe and confess Jesus as Lord; at the second coming of Jesus the kingdom of God will be established physically on earth; Paul referred to as righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit; zoe life of God; commonly referred to as Kingdom of God or zoe life of God; and known to the Hebrews as the Garden of Eden.
Kingdom of Heaven: all the resources within the realm of God’s kingdom (His will) that exist and belong to us as citizens of the kingdom and sons of God; Paul referred to as righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit; zoe life of God; commonly referred to as Kingdom of God or zoe life of God; and known to the Hebrews as the Garden of Eden.
Knew: in the sense that a man “knew” his wife experientially through intimacy, connection and love; is used to describe the betrothal period. See betrothal.
Labor to enter into rest: the effort (thought, consideration, study and meditation) exerted to fully persuade your heart of your identity in Christ (righteousness).
Law: 1) God’s commands, or prescriptions, for an abundant life. This is what Jesus and the apostles referred to when they spoke of the law in a positive way; 2) Jewish commands that interpreted what God has said and lead to dead works. This is what Jesus and the apostles referred to when they spoke of the law in a negative way; 3) using God’s commands to qualify for or disqualify His blessings.
Laws of faith: 1) Faith in the creation account as it is in the Bible, 2) Faith that God created man in His likeness and image, 3) Faith that God gave us dominion on Planet Earth
Law of first reference: referring back to the very first time a concept or topic was mentioned in the bible – usually Genesis.
Law of the seed: 1) Every seed bears after its own kind; 2) By planting discordant seeds with the Word of God, the Word is corrupted, and the crop it produces is contaminated.
Laymen: laity; common or ordinary; “the nothing ones.” (See Clergy.)
Leader: someone who is going somewhere and inspires others to go with them.
Leaven: the un-renewed mind.
Legalism (-ist): the belief that the finished work of Jesus is not enough to secure man’s righteousness and that adhering to rules and regulations (as subjectively interpreted), will appease/please God and man can stand right before God. This belief (or rather lack of faith in the finished work) produces a deep insecurity in the legalist causing that person to feel a deep-seated need to be right and to persuade, defend against or fight those who disagree with themselves, all in the vain attempt to gain a consensus that makes them feel what only a deeply personal relationship with God can make them feel – righteous!
Liberty: translated from “freedom”, meaning “not a slave” and “free from obligation”; or “free” from “doom” (in the earliest translation), meaning to be free from the doom of slavery.
Life Matrix: the core beliefs about yourself; all the data is stored that controls everything that’s happening in your life or in a particular situation; it’s where our programming comes from. Every decision we make is based on these core beliefs which are filtered through our internal hierarchy. (See internal hierarchy).
Life: Greek word “zoe”, meaning “the quality of life possessed by the one who gives it”, also referred to as “the Kingdom of Heaven” by Jesus.
Light: synonymous with truth, information, knowledge, wisdom, scripture, revelation; The light (truth-ful information) is the information we need to make our way clear to the life. Light draws us to the life. Light drawing us to the life like a travel agent who hands you the brochure of a beautiful island. The goal isn’t to sell you the brochure so you can go home & stare at it for the rest of your life & wish you could go. No. It’s full of beautiful pictures to inspire you to go there & experience it for yourself. Ministers give you words (the light) that hopefully paint an enticing picture so that you want to experience the life for yourself. Light is not a substitute for the life.
Logos (Word): the logic, reasoning and wisdom of God; as in John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word… Jesus is referred to as the “logos” of God, a very rich and inclusive Greek word. It is as much about what is behind the word as it is about the word itself. It is the integrity and consistency of God that makes His Word of value. It is filled with life and is a verbal expression of himself. There is no chaos or contradiction in God, his word or his creation.
Lord’s prayer: Matthew 6:9-15; the goal of all prayer is to establish God’s will (his kingdom) in our hearts and on the earth (thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is heaven). We have the right to do this based on the DBR and we exercise it through the keys of the kingdom: binding/loosing. (See the Kingdom of God/heaven and keys to the kingdom).
Lordship: the kingdom realm is in our heart and Jesus is the king of the kingdom. This is why we must believe in our heart that God raised Jesus from the dead and confess Him as Lord. All of God’s commandments applied from the motive of love, as Jesus taught and modeled and proved at the cross, are the laws of the kingdom. When Jesus is Lord we accept his interpretation and application of God’s commands as the only truth.
Love: 1) agape: value for God, yourself and others; 2) phileo: brotherly or friendly affection; 3) eros: the feelings between a husband and wife.
Lucifer, the light bearer: In the World’s System, God is viewed as a legalistic tyrant who oppressed man with His rules and regulations. Lucifer is viewed as the one who set man free from God by giving him knowledge.
Luciferianism: Lucifer is the father of all iniquity (lawlessness or anti-law). He formed the first rebellion in Heaven against God with the intention of being god and establishing his version of truth. Through his influence Adam and Eve brought iniquity (lawlessness) into the world when they transgressed God’s warning and decided to be their own gods by claiming the right to determine good and evil apart from God.
Luciferian doctrine: the primary doctrine of which claims that God is angry, legalistic, wrath-filled and cannot be trusted.
Luciferians: Those people – whether in a religious setting, a secret society, government or even Christians – who knowingly or unknowingly adhere to the erroneous concepts of God introduced into this world by Lucifer and perpetuated by those who embrace such philosophies. The primary Luciferian concept is God is angry, legalistic and wrath-filled and cannot be trusted.
Lust: desire. All desires are God-given; it is the way in which we choose to fulfill those desires that either bring life (lasting fulfillment and pleasure) or destruction (momentary pleasure and sin).
Magnify: to make bigger, louder, or stronger; whatever you focus on gets bigger.
Mammon: trying to be fulfilled by just taking care of self; selfishness and self-centeredness; isn’t necessarily about money itself, b/c money itself is neither good nor bad. It’s the attitude toward money and has more to do with avarice, greed, self-centeredness, lust or desire for money & the security that it can bring & is an impossible desire to ever fulfill. Jesus explains that the problem is trusting in riches to do for you what only God can do for you.
Matrix (Life Matrix): an arrangement of parts that show how everything is interconnected around our identity, self-image, self-worth and self-confidence; a substance in which something is embedded or enclosed; a code that’s embedded with information (beliefs) that creates all the life boundaries in which we are limited or controlled; a set of circumstances that allows or encourages the origin, development or growth of something.
Meditate: to ponder; to mutter over and over again; to frame up; to plot, i.e., to ponder, plot, lay out and frame up the desired outcome in my heart which produces transformation and leads to the physical manifestation in my life.
Mercy: the nature and character of God that delights in forgiveness and loving-kindness, and is averse from judgment, wrath and punishment; overlooking an insult; love that covers a multitude of sins; when you administer love and forgiveness instead of what the person deserves for their actions.
Microcosm/macrocosm: how it works at the smallest level is how it works at the largest level. There is no random or chaos; God created it all in an orderly fashion.
Mind (Greek usages):
Intellect: the part of the mind I feed information.
Spiritual/carnal mindedness: to focus on a particular direction.
Deep thoughts of the heart (beliefs). Proverbs 23:7 For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. Our beliefs are the doorway of the heart. The word “thinks” comes from two Hebrew words that mean “door keeper”. Our beliefs act as a guard at the doorway determining what can get in and come out of your heart. The covenant God has made with us is found in Hebrews 10:16 “I will imprint my laws upon their heart, & on their mind I will inscribe them.” God’s word has been imprinted on our hearts & minds, but just as JC explained in Matthew 13 in the parable of the sower & the seed, the word is spread on the surface of our hearts, but it’s up to us to establish the word in our hearts so that it takes root & has an effect on our lives. Mark 4:24 explains “Pay attention to what you hear. By your own standard of measurement – to the extent that you study spiritual truth & apply godly wisdom – it will be measured to you – and you will be given even greater ability to respond – and more will be given to you besides.” AMP Even though you have truth, righteousness, peace, prosperity, health, healing inside you, it is of no effect in your life if it’s not established in your heart by the renewing of your mind. Your mind interacts with the world through your five physical senses & then processes that data, sends it to your heart & your established beliefs determine if what you’re sensing with your five senses is consistent with what you already believe. If not, you have come to a decision, which happens for most people in a split second, so fast that they don’t even realize it happened. You decide if this new information confirms what you already believe, of if you’ll change what you believe (repentance) or if you’ll reject it altogether. Example: If you don’t believe you’re still righteous after you’ve sinned, which is the time you need to believe it the most, then the door keeper (your beliefs) will keep the door closed to the reality that you are still righteous before God. The same with healing, prosperity, & all the promises of God. From this point, you end up continuing to struggle in dead works trying to earn righteousness in order to please or appease God so that you can have the promises based on your effort, instead of what Jesus did for you at the cross.
Mindset (worldview): your habitual state of mind that determines how you interpret and experience the world around you; it is shaped by your experiences, culture, environment and teaching.
Miracle: the outcome produced when a higher law of physics is applied to any situation that supersedes the current law in effect; it is not the violation of any laws of physics in order to achieve the desired outcome. If a miracle can be explained scientifically or otherwise, it is no less a valid miracle.
Mixed Motives: our human tendency to accept portions of God’s Word as it is stated while twisting others to fit our personal preferences.
Mystery Babylon: the initiation process into the secret worship of the old gods. (Communists call it demoralization, knowing they can only over throw a country if they first demoralize the people. This is done by perverting the laws, courts, politics, educational system and media. After they demoralize the people, they collapse the economy and create chaos. When the citizens cry out, to the corrupt government, they are seduced into giving up their freedom in exchange for security.)
Mystery of iniquity: (2 Thess 2:7-11) the influential power of Satan at work to produce the rejection of God’s word, laws and commandments as the standard of love, morality, ethics and absolute truth.
Nature: growth or natural production; the promises of God are part of our growth or natural production.
Nephilim: the offspring of the “sons of God” (the fallen angels) and the daughters of men (Gen 6:4) that are also known as giants and also believed to be the Greek and Roman gods of mythology who possessed secret knowledge of how creation worked, which would have made them appear to be superhuman or god-like.
Nimrod: the first antichrist; a.k.a, Baal (Allah), Osiris, Ra, Appollo. He was a Nephilim, one of the mighty men of renown. His name means “rebellion or we will rebel”. He was a leader of rebellion against God and a hunter “before the Lord” – for the purpose of opposing, implying hostility. He hunted men to conquer and force them to comply with his rule in opposition against God – the beginning of socialism.
Occult: a word that comes from Latin and means “secret, or hidden” knowledge. Occult groups and secret societies believe they have secret knowledge that gives them power over God. They believe through their secret knowledge they can control and one-day rule the world. Occult groups use secret knowledge to manipulate or control people, and secret formulas, incantations and curses are examples of hidden knowledge that are used to do that. Similar to the word “mysteries” in the bible, i.e. the mysteries of Christ, etc., but in the occult, this secret knowledge only comes by way of initiation, e.g. laying on of hands, prayer, follow their practices until you finally reach a certain level of deceit in order to receive revelation after which you are elevated to the next level. The levels of deceit are so subtle that you don’t realize they’re taking you into darkness. Another difference between the mysteries of the bible & the occult is that in the occult they don’t tell you the truth about their true intentions. Occults came into being as the fallen angels (who fell in the book of Genesis) passed on many of the secrets of eternity to man, i.e. science, math, geometry, physics, medical science, etc. There was nothing wrong with this knowledge, in and of itself, but the goal for having this knowledge was rooted in the lie that God is harsh, dictator & keeps man enslaved by his moral & ethical commandments. So Satan presented the notion that man could have the same life God has through knowledge obtained from different sources outside of God. Man doesn’t need God to be like him, he just needs the same knowledge God has. So they presented themselves as gods with this knowledge & then later actually claimed to be gods & perverted the knowledge of God, including scientific knowledge. This secret knowledge was all rooted in the lie that the creator, God, is a harsh dictator who kept man enslaved by his moral & ethical commandments. This message is prominent today, particularly by those who have a distorted view of grace, which ignores morals, ethics & standards of conduct & civil order. The lie that satan presented in the garden promised the same thing God promises: life! But Satan’s way was to get it through knowledge & eliminate the need for God. You don’t need God if you can be like him through knowledge. The occult’s deception is that you can be like God through knowledge, which denies the fact that we are already like him & now we are In Him & He is in us through JC. In the occult world, Lucifer is the angel of light who sets man free from the oppression of a legalistic God by way of knowledge. We know that’s not true, because he told man if he ate from the tree of knowledge of good & evil, NOT the tree of knowledge, he would be like God. But man was already like God. The ability to choose good & evil for yourself gets into judgment, and judgment belongs to God & Him alone. Only God has the wisdom & insight for judgment because only He knows what will give us light & life. But since obtaining the ability to judge, which we get from deciding between good and evil for ourselves, we end up judging God, putting him on trial & judging him as untrustworthy & his word untrustworthy as the process for bringing us happiness
Offense: to stumble (feel less than who you are in Christ); a judgment you place on an annoyance or trespass and it causes you to strive or stumble; a legal offense is a debt for which someone legally owes restitution (See debt and trespass).
Offerings: aren’t to get God to do something. Offerings create an opportunity to experience (belief + action) an activation of God’s reality in a person’s heart for whatever the situation called for. Whether a sin offering, peace offering, or a tithe offering, it was an opportunity to put works with faith and create an experience that brought a connection to the reality for that which you desired, whether it be forgiveness, peace, or prosperity. The experience made it real in your heart first, then you would experience the external manifestation of it. Now that we have the blood of Jesus, we no longer require the ritual, but we don’t abandon the process. Making the experience real in our heart is the only way to connect to the desired outcome in the natural.
Old Covenant: Not the same as Old Testament. It is the agreement, arrangement, contract or will between God and man for how to have a relationship, including what to do about sin. It was a type or shadow of what would come in the new covenant with Jesus. The OC could never make a person righteous or change a person’s heart. It was a covering; an atonement but it never rid a person of guilt, shame or condemnation (the fear/expectation of judgment, anger and punishment). (See Old Testament for difference.)
Old Testament: the facts, the testimony, the written record of history, the law, the events that took place that are true and recorded and the laws for which still apply to use for how to relate to each other while here on earth but not for righteousness between us and God. The major divisions:
The first five books (Pentateuch or Torah) dictated by God himself.
Then there are books written by individuals who said things that were true and things that weren’t.
Poetic/Wisdom books: Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon
Major Prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, and Daniel.
Minor Prophets: Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi.
Opinion: a view based solely on personal judgment. All struggles with sin revolve around our sense of identity, and any false identity is rooted in a false opinion. Any view, opinion, interpretation of self or the world that’s different than God’s is sin – sin being not seeing yourself as God sees you.
Out of control: a phrase that is used to evade personal responsibility for the way you have chosen to respond to situations that threaten you, even when that behavior is extreme or surprising to you.
Overcomers: believers who not only endure (survive) the tribulation of the antichrist, they actually are victorious over opposition.
Paradigm: a relationship of ideas as to how they relate to each other; in science, a generally accepted model of how ideas relate to each other forming a conceptual framework within which scientific research is carried out. It’s a world-view/global view & how you group things into meaning. As you encounter the world around, your paradigm is at work for defining meanings to your experiences and as such, you pass judgments about why it’s occurring the way that it is. The problem is the moment your judgment is established, you begin to relate to that situation as if your judgment is correct.
Party Spirit (envyings): When one follows or trusts a party, they follow the group and its opinions. Our constitution was written around the idea that governments cannot be trusted and should have very limited power. Patriotism is more about our connection to the people than our connection to the government. (Gal 5:21)
Patience: the ability (the proven character or experiential insight) to stand under pressure without wavering (losing control).
Peace of God: peace is very different than the peace of God, which is the word shalom in the OT which has to do with health, healing, prosperity, blessing – all that we have through salvation – that comes from knowing all of our needs are met; In the Greek, it is interchangeable with all the benefits of God and is foundational for intimacy needed for experiencing all the resources in the kingdom of God. It’s a state of being that feels safe, secure, at rest and content and the authority to choose and establish what JC died to protect us from and what he rose again to give us in this life ; free from fear and doubt based on God as protector, provider, healer, deliverer, care-giver, etc.; NOT a tranquil state of mind from being deceived, using drugs, alcohol, sex, wealth, etc. which are all based on external circumstances that are subject to change. See the “way of peace”.
Peleg: earthquake; a massive earthquake occurred during this man’s life that brought about the continental drifts.
Perfect: whole and complete in love; not flawlessness but the continual process of transformation into wholeness as you experience God’s love in every area of your life.
Perspective: an assessment of a given situation; the appearance or view from our vantage point. From our perspective is how we create or build upon our paradigm (see paradigm). My vantage point is based on all of my life’s experiences, so I may not want life experiences to define how I see the world.
Praise and worship: an expression of thanks for every good thing; a tool used to intimately experience God’s love and express love for him; a means for connecting with God in your heart.
Pray(er): judge (decide) or assess and reconcile (Hebrew). literally, “to hold it in your mind, e.g., Mark 11:24 would read, “Therefore I say unto you, whatsoever things ye desire, when ye hold it in your mind (pray), believe that ye receive, and ye shall have”; interactive communication with God; meditation; to assess and reconcile what you believe; a continual recalibration of thoughts, emotions, judgments, that are inconsistent with the Lordship of Jesus; repentance; renewing the mind; surrender; exercising authority and dominion; binding and loosing; when we judge or assess that what is happening was paid for at the cross we must declare it illegal and send it away. If we judge or assess any part of the inheritance is missing we must loose and declare the promise/blessing legal.
Principalities and powers: rank and right (Colossians 2:15).
Propaganda gospel: markets the gospel message in such a way that it gives authority to institutions or to those who are anointed to lead. It promotes submission to a person, denomination, group or doctrine.
Prophecy: encouragement, building up & edification of the saints; repeating what God has said or done with loving-kindness.
Propitiation: exchange; the satisfying of the wrath of God and all the righteous requirements of the law. Jesus was not a substitute, he literally became sin (2 Corinthians 5:21), went to Hades as a sinner, overcame sin and death, rose from the dead, conquered Satan, and received the inheritance.
Prosperity: a state of readiness of the heart to give and/or receive what God has already provided in Christ; not just monetary gain but success and a prosperous state of mind in every area of life.
Protestantism: a Christian of whose beliefs are in alignment with the Reformation movement and in opposition to the Roman Catholic Church on key points of faith.
Protestant Reformation: set aflame in 1517 with The Ninety-Five Theses by Martin Luther, John Calvin and other early reformers, the reformation was a movement that attempted to reform the erroneous doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church based on:
Sola scriptura: the “five solas” (sola is Latin for “alone”) which Protestants believe that the Bible alone is the source of God’s special revelation to mankind, whereas Catholicism holds that the bible and sacred tradition are equally binding.
Office and authority of the pope: Catholics maintain the Pope is the “Vicar of Christ”, a vicar meaning “substitute”, and takes the place of Jesus as the visible head of the church, giving the Pope the ability to speak ex cathedra (authority on matters of faith and practice), making his teachings infallible and binding.
Apostolic succession: a means by which Catholics establish the Pope’s authority while Protestants believe authority comes from the Word of God.
Interpretation of scriptures: Catholicism teaches that only the Roman Catholic Church can interpret the bible, while Protestantism believes the indwelling of the Holy Spirit enables all believers to understand the message of the bible for themselves.
Salvation: “Sola fide” (faith alone), which protestants teach based on Ephesians 2:8-10 is how a person is saved. Catholics insist that meritorious works plus faith is how one will achieve eternal salvation.
Seven Sacraments: baptism, confirmation, the Eucharist, penance, anointing the sick, holy orders and matrimony are essential to Roman Catholic salvation, while Protestantism believes it is through grace by faith that we are saved.
Justified: Protestants believe that man is justified by faith and that works are a fruit of salvation, not a means unto salvation. Catholics blend justification and sanctification, combining faith and works as the measure of one’s eternal salvation.
Purgatory: the place Catholics believe those who have not fully paid for their sins must go, while Protestants believe that Christ alone was the propitiation for all sin.
Psychological Reversal: conflict between the mind (intellectual) and the heart; at an intellectual level, you want the problem solved, but at a heart level, you don’t believe you’re worthy of it. The conflict affects your conscience b/c of secondary gain: even though you want this benefit, you’re getting a secondary benefit that feels normal and safe (b/c we’re afraid of the unknown). To overcome, tapping the karate chop point saying “I deeply love and completely accept myself” ~ 10 minutes a day.
Pure in heart: a person with no hidden agendas or selfish motives, are true in all things, and can see God as He is.
Puritans (a.k.a, pilgrims): one of three sects of Protestantism that emerged after the Reformation; a group of English Protestants of the late 16th and 17th centuries who wanted the Church of England purified of liturgy, ceremony and practices not found in scripture.
Putting away (divorce) your wife: this was the original terminology used & is correct in the KJV. This was not a divorce as we know it today. It is when a man put his wife out without divorcing her with no way to support herself, which left her with very few, if any options, & usually led to prostitution. See divorce.
Put off: a biblical term used by the Apostle Paul for the process of “sending away”; eradicating thoughts, emotions or feelings contrary to the word of God; forgiveness; cast out.
Put on: a biblical term used by the Apostle Paul for the process of replacing a destructive belief or behavior with a biblical truth, emotion or feeling.
Qualified: to meet the legal requirements versus worthiness (to deserve it); you are not worthy of the promises based on your performance, but you are qualified based on Christ’s performance because you are in Him.
Rebuke: when you tell someone when they have crossed your boundaries, which is reliant on the fact that you have your identity established in Christ because identity is essential to knowing yourself and being able to identify your boundaries.
Reconcile/Reconciliation: “exchange”; JC exchanged all that he was for all that we are, and we receive all that He was at the cross. See Isaiah 53:4-12 – the Great Exchange.
Redeem the time: to restore to the original point of opportunity (that you may have missed, lost or messed up).
Reformation: a saturation that brings transformation. See Protestant Reformation.
Reins: refers to the kidneys which are the organs that are affected by fear.
Religionist: the person who attempts, by dead works,to approach and/or satisfy God on his own terms. It’s actually a form of Humanism. The opposite of religion is faith. When a person is in faith he or she trusts what God says and obeys. This is why the Bible refers to us as believers. Religionists are people who may be Christian or who may simply call themselves Christian. They use Christina terminology, they may employ some truly authentic biblical means, but they are more committed to their religion/culture/tradition than they are to the Word of God. They corrupt and neutralize the Word of God through their religious traditions (Mark 7:13).
Religion/religious: a system of relating to God based on man’s logic and reasoning that produces an attempt (dead works) to earn acceptance, approval, peace and promises from God. It is based on unbelief and robs the believer of true biblical faith.
Renew the mind: repentance from dead works; changing your mind; exchanging any beliefs that aren’t in line with God’s truth; believing that you’re righteous when you fail because your performance doesn’t disqualify you nor does it qualify you before God. Jesus qualifies us for the promises based on the DBR.
Repent/repentance (from dead works): a change of mind; to change how you see it to how God sees it; to yield your perception to the truth; to change your mind about trying to earn the promises based on performance (See Carnal).
Reprobate mind: giving yourself over to passions/lust in order to find pleasure until it becomes normal to you. (See Romans 1:26).
Resist: to set over against. To resist the devil is to submit or align yourself with God and His truth, not fighting, screaming, rebuking, praying or other spiritual warfare techniques that have been developed. Satan flees when we align ourselves with truth.
Resurrection of the dead: when God joins our spirit & soul with our new, immortal, incorruptible bodies. There are two resurrections (Acts 24:15):
First resurrection: of the righteous who rule & reign with Jesus for 1000 years.
Second resurrection: of the unrighteous which occurs after the 1000 years.
Responsibility: NOT blame; “respond + ability”; I am the only one with the ability and the authority to respond to the truth of God in my situation in order to ensure the promised outcome; when I don’t use my authority (bind/loose, forgive, walk in love, cast out, send away, repent, pray) intentionally, then, by default, I make a choice to accept the situation. Example: I fall and hurt my knee and I don’t respond (exercise my authority) immediately to bind/loose it, I, by default, choose to accept it. Example: The liver is affected by anger. So when our first response to an annoying person who makes us angry isn’t forgiveness, mercy, love, etc., by default, we choose to accept and store that anger in our liver.
Revival: to revive; to return to what was; to reintroduce or resurrect a former way of thinking or believing; a re-awakening.
Righteousness: literally, “as I should be”, my identity in Christ; a state of being as you truly are before God based on the finished work of Jesus and not your works; a term very much in sync with the word “glory” (see Glory). Righteousness is a continuum from how God sees things to how we see things that starts in our hearts and moves into our thoughts, emotions, feelings, beliefs and ultimately into our decisions, behavior, how we treat people, etc.; it is not static nor just positional from God’s point of view. From God’s position, we are righteous but it cannot be separated from our behavior because righteousness is self-evident from our behavior, speech, decisions, the life we live, etc. Righteousness can never be separated from the character and nature of who God is, in other words, if we are to be righteous like God is righteous, then we can’t lie sometimes, mistreat people occasionally, etc. God can’t either because He’s righteous. Righteousness also has to do with the living the abundant life and the promises and blessings God has bestowed on us in the new birth.
Sanctify: to separate; to set yourself apart from anything common or ordinary by setting yourself apart unto the Lord.
Satan: liar; deceiver; defeated foe; enemy of man and God; a fallen, out of work angel whose original position was to serve man; possesses no inherent power to hurt anyone except that which you give him.
Satanism (active): true Satanism is the most extreme and dangerous whose followers hate God, consider love and mercy to be foolish weakness and knows their eternity will be in hell.
Satanism (passive): when man rejects God’s wisdom for his own philosophies of right and wrong, thereby making man a god unto himself. To reject God’s truth is to align one’s self with the wicked one. As Jesus said, “He who is not with us is against us.”
Self–confidence: the fourth stage of the internal hierarchy of your life matrix; 1) there’s a natural aspect of self-confidence that comes from whether or not you follow through with tasks, keep your word, etc. When you fail to follow through, you become less willing to try new things b/c you think you’ll quit. 2) the other aspect comes from our behavior, how you treat people, whether or not you walk in love – 1 John 4:17. If we’re not walking in love, we won’t have confidence before God & we won’t be able to receive the promises of God or the answers to our prayers b/c we don’t feel worthy.
Self–image: the second stage in the internal hierarchy of our life matrix, which emerges from the approval of the person or group with whom we’ve chosen to identify with, which is why we become like those who are accepting of us. Even people who are loners identify with some idea of who they want to be, they may be identifying with someone they saw in a movie. But you must become like those you want to accept you in order to sustain their acceptance and feel valuable to them. At the core of God’s love is value – how much value he has for us. This is why your concept of God is so important b/c you will become like the God you believe in and you are. You are acting out the concept of God that you believe in. As you alter your self-image, you’ll measure your worth by the response of those people you look to for acceptance. This leads you to the next stage in the internal hierarchy: self-worth. (See self-worth).
Selfish ambition: the commitment to have the things we so deeply desire that we hold fast to our secret agendas for how to get them; when we have already decided we know how to get what we want.
Self–worth: the third stage in the internal hierarchy of your life matrix; the deepest need man has. The Greek word “agape” is about value, high regard, precious. Romans 5:8 – even when we were sinners, God had value for us. You feel loved to the degree that you feel valued, precious, held in high esteem from those from whom you look to for acceptance. The value that you get from your source of identity is the value and the worth and love that you’ll have for yourself. And what they value becomes your values, which are represented by your behavior. Whatever the group does is what you will do, and this is where you enter the last stage of the internal hierarchy: self-confidence.
Sending away: literally, forgiveness; the act of forgiving an annoyance, debt, trespass or offense.
Separatists: one of three sects of Protestantism that emerged after the Reformation; a group of extremist Puritans who believed the too many elements of the Roman Catholic Church had been retained by the Church of England and wanted to either destroy it or separate from it, while Puritans believed that the Church of England was in need of reform but could be salvaged.
Semiramis: the mother and wife of Nimrod; a.k.a, Ishtar, Isis. She cut up Nimrod’s body after his death and disseminated it around the land, then declared his brother, Tammuz, to be the resurrected (reincarted) Nimrod, the savior of the world and the fulfillment of the prophecy God made in the garden from Gen 3:15.
Shadow or type: a symbol, action, ceremony, or custom representative (predicting or foreshadowing) what would happen through the death, burial and resurrection of Christ in the heart of the believer, replacing outward observance for need for inward transformation.
Shame: rejection of self; the most destructive of all negative internal responses; comes from unresolved guilt, which comes from having done something wrong. Shame goes beyond the feelings that I have done something to “something is wrong with me” and leads to condemnation. (See condemnation).
Sight (recovering): when the eyes of our hearts open to the truth of God’s word so that we can see the answers and come out of the darkness. In Luke 4:18 and Mark 6:41, the word referencing recovering sight is the same in both references. Jesus, when, upon seeing the hunger of the 5,000 and that he only had a few loaves and two fish, looked up to His Father and “recovered sight” by focusing on His limitless resources, and then performed the miracle and met the need.
Sin: any thought, idea, feeling, philosophy, doctrine or behavior that causes us to see ourselves as less than the glory of God; any motive other than faith (Romans 14:23), such as doubt, fear, unbelief; there are many different words for sin in both the original Hebrew and Greek, yet hamartia appears to be the most popular, meaning “to miss the mark of the prize or the abundant life or the goal” and thus fail to achieve the blessing, the promise, the prize, the abundant life or be like Jesus. It is NOT the list of fun things God does not want you to do; it is any belief that brings pain, sorrow, suffering, destruction or death into your life; fear.
Sin nature: a state of being fearful and untrusting of God that breeds destruction and death; you are born with a fearful nature and because you do not trust God, you decide how best to bring happiness and fulfillment to your life, although it never works and you experience disappointment, heartache, pain, tragedy, sorrow, suffering, disease, destruction and death (emotional, mental, spiritual and/or physical).
Socialism: promises everything the bible, God, promises but gives you an unscriptural promise for how to get it, which is the root of iniquity. (See iniquity). Karl Marx said socialism was the only political concept that was powerful enough to destroy the human race.
Soteriology: doctrine of salvation
Soul (Genesis 2:7): you; your being; where you mentally and emotionally process and experience the input you receive from the physical realm through your five senses, the thoughts and feelings of your heart and the influence of your spirit.
Sovereignty: God makes his own decision; he has not ever been acted upon by an outside force beyond who He is. His will & His word have been established in the earth upon his own decision, not predicated by man, sin or any other external factor to himself.
Speak (when God speaks): a Hebrew word that has more to do with what’s inside of Him, with who he is, his character, what he’s conceived in his heart than it does with the word itself. The word that is spoken, which gets written down is only a written representation of something that has much greater motives, intentions, power & life behind it. This is why the letter kills, but the spirit behind the word brings life (2 Cor 3:6). We are to follow the spirit of the word, not the letter of the word. And the spirit of the word will never lead you to violate, be in conflict with, or be inconsistent with God’s written word.
Spirit (man’s), and “in the spirit”: the deepest part of man’s heart, where all of God’s truth has been written; the part of man that is alive to God; where God lives, making available to you all that He is and has; it is the perfected YOU (Hebrews 12:23); when you are “in the spirit”, you are living from, motivated by, abiding in the truth, light, word, knowledge, commands, instructions of God. God cannot be separated from his word – the two are synonymous.
Spiritual warfare: the battle of the heart and soul for control over your thoughts, emotions, feelings and beliefs (Ephesians 6:12 and 2 Corinthians 10:3-5); it is NOT warring with the devil or his demons.
Spirituality: walking in love toward others and having meaningful relationships.
Spiritually-minded: giving attention to the internal, God-centered factors affecting your life rather than the external, physical factors of trying to satisfy your five senses.
Spoil: to strip and to lead away captive (Col 2:8).
Steward: a person who does not own property but has been charged to care for it, e.g., man has been given dominion or control over the earth but does not own it.
Straight heart: a heart that if laid side by side with what God says would be parallel and straight.
Submit: does not mean “obey”; a yielding attitude, not out of obligation or force but willingly out of trust; a yielding, flexible attitude that is open to the other person’s view, opinion, ideas, desires, wants, etc., that seeks to apply the truth – God’s truth – in every situation and to walk in love toward the other person.
Success: incredible productivity with unimaginable peace.
Supernatural: not when God violates the
Thankful: the state of satisfaction.
Thanksgiving: acknowledging something as an already established fact.
Temptation: anything that causes us to feel tested, tried, scrutinized or made to strive or strain, which happens when we begin to doubt who we are and what we have in Christ and we leave the place of peace (rest) and grace (God’s power and ability working from our hearts).
Theistic Satanism: a form of dualism that believes God and Satan are nearly equal in power and warring over the fate of man, and the winner has not yet been determined. In actuality, it is actually Satan and man that are warring over planet earth.
Theocracy: versus theocrasy; a system of government ruled by religious leaders.
Theocrasy: versus theocracy; a merging together of different gods into one god.
Things (Hebrew 11:1): deeds, affairs, business matters, work, objects; the root word means to perform repeatedly or habitually.
Thoughts of the mind: doorkeeper of the heart; our thoughts determine what gets in our hearts and what comes out. Above all else, guard your heart for out of it are the issues of life (Pro. 4:23).
Thorn in the flesh: refers to people. God told the people when they went into the land of Canaan, if they didn’t drive out the inhabitants, they would become thorns in their flesh, eyes, or side. (Numbers 33:55)
Tradition: that which is transmitted either orally or in writing; culture. After a belief has been accepted as fact and transmitted from generation to generation, it becomes hardwired into our perception despite what God has said.
Transform(-ation) (Romans 12:2): the Greek word for metamorphosis; the New Testament process of 1) putting off the old man, 2) repentance, 3) Putting on the new man; the change in heart beliefs that occurs through repentance (renewing the mind).
Trespass (Matthew 6:14): to step over; a violation of boundaries; a lapse or deviation from truth (versus a debt).
Tribulation: pressure; any bad situation; trouble; trial.
Truth: God’s word as interpreted by the life, teaching, ministry, death, burial and resurrection of Jesus and applied from God’s true and original intent: love; synonymous with light, knowledge, information.
Type: See Shadow.
Unbelief: when you don’t adhere to, trust in or rely on God based on the finished work of Jesus.
UT Testing: Urim and Thummim were probably two different colored stones the priest carried in a pocket of his breastplate. When there was no vision, prophecy, dream or other leadership from God they would prayerfully withdraw a stone. One color meant “yes” and the other meant “no”.
Vain imaginations: the new covenant version of idolatry; the same as the old testament graven image; thoughts that are contrary to the finished work of Jesus; any thought, idea or belief not based on God’s version of reality which is his word, truth & wisdom. The warfare we fight is against vain imaginations according to 2 Cor 10:3-5, Rom 12:1-2, Pro 23:7, Rom 8:6, 1 Pet 2:11, Heb 10:26-27
Veil (ripped from top to bottom): signifies that God himself tore down the barrier (of sin) that separated you from Him so you could have direct access into the new Holy Place (your spirit).
Vengeance: lingering unforgiveness; when you emotionally hold onto an offense until you think the person has paid enough for it, but vengeance will destroy you. Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord: God is the only one who is capable of meeting out payment for offenses & He did so through JC. For those who reject JC, they will stand before God in the great white throne judgment. For those who accept JC, vengeance has been satisfied.
Virtue: moral excellence
Waiting upon the Lord (Isaiah 40:31): to intertwine yourself with God as two vines intertwine themselves until you cannot tell where one ends and the other begins; to graft yourself to God and when trials come, you will remain strong.
Walking in love: treating people the way God’s commandments say to treat people.
Waver: to shift from one opinion, thought or belief to another.
Way of Balaam: to use your gifting for profit.
Way of peace: the process by which we come back to God (his view & opinion of us) by connecting to Him in our hearts by first dealing with the sin (falling short of his view & opinion of us) and then experiencing a reconnection to His love.
White Throne Judgment: when people are judged based on their performance and ability to keep the law because they rejected the free gift of righteousness (versus Judgment seat of Christ).
Wicked: unharmonious living from the way God designed man to live from the heart; crooked, bent, not straight.
Willingness: relies solely on your willingness to obey, and you won’t hear what you’re unwilling to obey. Hearing
Will: the ability or freedom to make a decision and see it through to completion.
Will of God: not God’s willingness but rather His last will and testament, the new covenant, or covenant of peace he established with Jesus for us.
Wisdom: the practical application of knowledge and spiritual truth.
Witchcraft: any form of control; manipulation, coercion, force, intimidation, threat.
Word (logos): as in John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word… Jesus is referred to as the “logos” of God, a very rich and inclusive Greek word. It is as much about what is behind the word as it is about the word itself. It is the integrity and consistency of God that makes His Word of value. It is filled with life and is a verbal expression of himself. There is no chaos or contradiction in God, his word or his creation.
Works-righteousness: dead works; to work, labor, strain or strive in order to earn your righteousness.
World (Romans 12:2): world’s system (of logic, reasoning and behavior).
Worship and Praise: See Praise and Worship.
Worthy: to deserve the promises based on performance versus qualification in which the legal requirements have been met. You are not worthy of the promises based on your performance, but you are qualified based on the performance of Christ because you are in Him.
Wrath of God: the anger God felt over the sin of man which He poured onto Jesus so you would never have to be afraid of Him being angry with you.
Zoe: life; Greek word meaning “the quality of life possessed by the one who gives it”, also referred to as “the Kingdom of Heaven” by Jesus.