What Makes Us Different

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Through IISOM, we offer one of the most unique opportunities for training anywhere in the world. Until now there were only two options: attend a denominational school and have practically no training in issues relating to the Holy Spirit or attend a “charismatic” school and have inadequate training in many of the practical areas of ministry. In either case, the end result was usually baptism in legalism.
Now there is a better way; an opportunity to earn a degree instead of a certificate, to develop a responsible, scholarly approach to the study of the Word, to recognize the place of the Holy Spirit in ministry, to have every course based on the New Testament foundation of grace, peace, faith-righteousness and unconditional love. We are the only school in the world that bases EVERY class on this New Testament foundation.
At IISOM we provide several options from the Certificates all the way through to a Bachelors Degree in Theological Studies.
Students who complete our training are ready to begin full-time ministry or enter the business world with confidence and competence. The principles of faith and success that promote victory in ministry are the same as those that work in every area of business and life.

This unique program utilizes a multi-experiential approach that includes nearly every form of training and experience:
VERSE-BY-VERSE teaching seems to be missing from many training programs, especially those with a charismatic-faith orientation. Yet, without this solid foundation in the Word of God the believer is inept at developing a consistent theology. At IISOM, twenty-nine books of the Bible are studied verse-by-verse with extensive references to the original languages. This is not a doctrinal study but a teaching format that allows the Bible to speak for itself.
ORIGINAL LANGUAGE studies help the believer avoid many of the doctrinal errors that are made clear in the original text. You will form the basic “know how” for serious research. Every course pays close attention to the message in the original language.
TOPICAL TRAINING provides a systematic examination of the important topics and doctrines of the Scriptures. The student can acquire an in-depth understanding of Faith, the Holy Spirit, Family Relations, Evangelism, Counseling, Substance Abuse and many other topics essential to effective ministry. In addition to Bible topics, instruction is offered in Communications, Practical Christianity, Successful Living, Administration and many other topics that help prepare you to meet the challenges of life and ministry victoriously.
MENTORING is a dying art; yet, it is the only way to actually develop disciples. This is the method Jesus presented in the Scripture and it is the method that produces the most significant results. The person already involved in ministry is able to immediately apply what is being learned to real life ministry application.
Jesus did not say that simply knowing the truth would set us free, He said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” One translation says, “if you put them in practice.”
RELEVANT MINISTRY DEVELOPMENT is one of the most significant aspects of preparation, yet is found in few training programs. The twenty-first century leader must be equipped to meet the needs that are predominant in current society. The Department of Relevant Ministry provides a unique, cutting-edge for ministerial preparation. The coursework for Relevant Ministry focuses on areas of ministry particularly relevant to the needs of today’s society. It has a special focus on dealing with emotional and social dysfunction as manifested through trends of extreme codependency, substance abuse, and sexual abuse.
The Department of Relevant Ministry provides special training that equips the leader to reach and minister to the needs of the community. It focuses on principles and methods that are currently working. It doesn’t matter what worked 20 years ago, what works today? At IISOM you learn what is working today!


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  1. Paula Cuthbertson Avatar
    Paula Cuthbertson

    I am very interested in this school. Please tell me the specs. 6207554990 thankyou!

  2. karen mcadams Avatar
    karen mcadams

    I am very interested in speaking to someone about this degree. Pls contact me at 678-538-7538.

  3. LYNDA Worrell Avatar
    LYNDA Worrell

    Hello. I am interested in helping people with substance abuse issues. I have not been able to find information regarding fees as well as information regarding whether a student needs to attend in USA or if it can be completed online for those in other countries. Thank you.

    1. admin Avatar

      each course is $149. you can complete the coursers anywhere in the world that you are.

  4. Marizka Avatar

    Good day what is the fees per subject. For both councelling en theology? I know I have to do this but finances are poor.

    1. admin Avatar

      Each subject course is $149. Please email iisom@impactministries.com for possible financial aid.

  5. Lisa Avatar


    I would like more information on your certificate and degree programs.

    Also, what are the admission requirements?

    I have limited education but plenty of work experience.

    Thank you!

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