Read This Before Beginning Any Coursework (includes copy of our current catalog)

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2021 IISOM Catalog

Procrastination is probably the greatest enemy facing any person with a dream. In year-end surveys, our students without exception, all say their biggest problem is time-management and failing to set and maintain priorities.
As a matter of fact, much stress is the result of poor time-management. When we set goals that we do not fulfill, we feel the sense of failure. This is called stress. You could say that stress exists in the gap between our potential and our actual accomplishments. Some people simply stop setting any goals. You can’t do that. Taking this course says you intend to do something beyond average with your life.
This course is an investment in your dreams. It needs to be a priority, not an after thought. Read the  study tips post to help you get off to a good start.
The Bible says, “Where there is no vision, the people cast off restraints!” The word vision literally means a clear mental picture. Before you ever start anything, you need a clear mental picture to motivate you. If you lose this picture, you will “cast off restraint,” lose motivation and priorities.
Before starting any course write down and answer the following:
1. What is the name of the course you are now taking? ___________________________
2.What is the main benefit you expect to receive from this course?
3. How do you expect this course to benefit your personal life?
4. How many hours of study per week are you committing to this course? ____________
5. How many weeks do you plan to take? _____

6. Is this a priority or a convenience? __________________________________________
7. Are you really willing to do what it takes to fulfill this goal? _____________________
8. Spend just a few minutes pondering the benefits you expect to derive from this course. Then commit your way to the Lord. He will give you the grace to fulfill every dream that you make a priority and commit to Him.

A large part of the benefit of any course of study is the discipline, diligence and integrity that is developed through setting goals, making commitments and fulfilling those objectives. Do everything possible to make every aspect of this a learning experience. If you start to waver, look this sheet over and renew the vision.


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  1. Betsy Avatar

    After experiencing one of the most devastating experiences in my life and in my marriage, after attending a marriage intensive with Bob and Audrey and kept listening to all the podcast and letting God to start a transformation process in my heart I became hunger to know Jesus the real way and to understand his word by meditating on it! I know God since I’m six years old but never experienced nothing like I had during this past seven months when erverything went down in my life and had to find a rescue plan for my heart. I desire to become a world changer in Kissimmee Florida. I been in contact with Audrey and is amazing the love of God in the worst moments of life. Dr. Richards and them were my rescue plan and I’m grateful and blessed!

  2. Jacobie Bell Avatar
    Jacobie Bell

    I would like a catalog for the christian counselor degree

  3. Annette Barber Avatar
    Annette Barber

    Please send me a catalog for the Christian counseling

    1. Janice Harvey Avatar
      Janice Harvey

      Could you send me a catalogue if the council ingam course please

      1. admin Avatar

        sent by email

  4. Denise Smith Avatar
    Denise Smith

    Desiring greatly to participate and obtain the Degree of Theology….

    Dear Sister in Christ shared your teaching on the Heart Physics and it completely sparked the embers of my heart to SEEK to KNOW HIM FULLY…

    1. admin Avatar

      Hi Denise, If you have not already click on the download link for our catalog in this blog. That will tell you the basics of the school. You can take the courses at your own pace to fit them into your life. You can start anytime.

  5. Vickie ARMITAGE Avatar
    Vickie ARMITAGE

    I do not want to get a degree. Jim has provided more insight and understanding than anyone. He helps me understand Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit like no one and how to apply it to my life. I know I am to read the Bible and then go to different resources to interpret it it. I am still confused when I do that but Jim’s teachings make sense. I understand more. You will know what category to put me in. I am 66 years old with a military Protestant background. At my age, my eye sight is not the best.

    I am hoping by taking courses through the school of ministry without the requirements to get the certification that I can open the Bible and glory to me. Some times I am dying a slow death from loneliness. I am hoping to understand the Bible with Jim’s help. I can look up a passage in Hebrew or study Bible but still get confused . I am thinking the courses in the school of ministry may be what I need to understand the Bible!

    I am a single divorced woman with an estranged adult daughter and connected son but feel I am dying a slow death of loneliness.

    1. admin Avatar

      Hi Vickie, I am sorry that you feel so lonely. Remember that Jesus is always with you and loves to have conversations with you. You do not have to take our courses just for a degree. You can take one or many just for your own benefit. You can listen to the lessons as many times as you want. There are study guides for each lesson which will math the questions in the quizzes so they are easy to pass. You can take as much time as you need to understand the subject matter.

      1. Martin Avatar

        Hello 👋 beloved of the Lord . I operate operation one billion in my village.
        I kindly need a computer. Please consider sending it through FedEx with all teachings

        1. admin Avatar

          Hi Martin, Your request has been sent to shipping last month. It takes time for a shipment to get to Uganda. Please be patient.

  6. kaylanorthrup Avatar

    Would you please send me a catalog. Thank you.

    1. admin Avatar


  7. Griselda Estes Avatar
    Griselda Estes

    May I please have a catalog for the Christian counseling degree. I’m assuming the courses are held online.

  8. Heather Avatar

    Do I need anything other then the Christian counseling degree to practice or help people? Is it an associates degree? Please send me one thank you

  9. Tonya Reed Avatar
    Tonya Reed

    Coming out of 3 generations of addiction and alcoholism cried out to Jesus on a jail cell floor and four years later sold out completely to Him. I am a walking testimony of supernatural transformation power of God. I would like to have more information on Christian Counseling Program. I watch people through so many struggles trying to get help in my town. I would like to be a reliable authorized representative of what has been given to me. True transformation.

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