Certificates and Degrees

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One of many great values in completing our program is the opportunity to earn a recognized, accredited degree. A degree adds a new dimension of recognition, prestige and acceptance to your ministerial and professional credibility. Many of our students have received employment and obtained raises and promotions in secular business because of a degree from IISOM. Besides receiving quality training and valuable life experience, you can earn a degree that validates the distinction of your accomplishments.
The following is a current list of certificates and degrees offered by IISOM. This catalog and all stated requirements are for the current academic year. All students should keep the catalog under which they enter IISOM. The requirements for degrees are fixed for four years from the time your begin taking your first class. Choosing to complete your course of study over a longer period of time may mean you have to meet the requirements of a new catalog.

1. New Testament Theology Certificate
A thorough grounding in vital topics and verse-by-verse analysis of selected books of the Bible is a pre-requisite for personal success, whatever your field of endeavor.
This certificate enables the student to lay hold of God’s Word and incorporate these realities into effective daily living.
Requirements for NT Theology Certificate
1. A passing grade on the entire curriculum
2. Bible Doctrines
3. John
4. Acts
5. Romans/Galatians
6. I Corinthians
7. II Corinthians
8. New Testament Realities
9. Hebrews
10. General Epistles
11. Eschatology
12. Prayer
13. Holy Spirit
14. A 20 page paper on what Jesus did on the cross means today and how you work that into your life.

2. New Testament Leadership Certificate
This program is designed for the person seeking to develop his or her leadership skills for ministry or business. It includes the core leadership development curriculum. It is the ideal program for the minister or business leader who is seeking to take his/her ministry/business to the next level of effectiveness. It is especially valuable for those seeking to develop a team around them by multiplying leaders, whether in ministry or business
These courses are ideal for Continuing Education Units for those ministers or professionals needing them.
Requirements for the NT Leadership Certificate:
1. A passing grade on the entire curriculum
2. Counseling 1, 2 & 3
3. Administration 1, 2, & 3
4. Church Growth
5. Addictions Counseling, Substance Abuse & Detox, Dynamics of Small Groups
6. Pastoral Epistles
7. Keys to Successful Living
8. A 20 page paper on the principles of New Testament Leadership

3. Old Testament Theology Certificate
The Old Testament is the record of God dealing with mankind before the Cross. His plans, purposes, protection and promises. This program will ground you in the Old Testament looking back through the Cross.
Requirements for Graduation:
1. A passing grade on the entire curriculum
2. Creation
3. Genesis
4. Exodus
5. Leviticus
6. Numbers
7. Deuteronomy
8. Old Testament survey
9. Keys to Successful Living
10. Praise and Worship
11. Demonology and Deliverance
12. Character, Manners, and Ethics
13. Prayer

4. Christian Counseling Certificate
This program prepares you to effectively counsel through your church or as a life coach. ‘To be great you must understand yourself better than others understand you, to be wise you must understand others more than they understand themselves. This program will help you to understand yourself and understand others and in the process prepare you to minister emotional
health .
Requirements for Christian Counseling Certificate
1. A passing grade on all required courses.
2. Counseling 1
3. Counseling 2
4. Counseling 3
5. Family Relations
6. Addictions Counseling
7. Substance Abuse and Detox
8. Foundations of Faith
9. Effective Communication
10. Key to Successful Living
11. Character, Manners and Ethics
12. Administration 1
13. Holy Spirit
14. A twenty page paper on the principles and modalities of Christian Counseling
It is not required for the certificate but it is highly recommended that you also pursue becoming a Heart Physics Coach.

5. Bachelor of Theology Degree
This undergraduate degree is a well rounded program that prepares the student both academically, and spiritually to succeed at business, ministry and life. This is a thorough program that provides an excellent knowledge of the Word of God, practical application of ministry and special emphasis on leadership development. This degree is awarded to those students who successfully complete the prescribed 144 credit hours.
Requirements for Graduation:
1. Successfully complete 144 credit hours
2. Minimum numerical cumulative average of 80

6. Christian Counselor Degree
This program prepares the student to counsel effectively from a biblical perspective. Evaluation tools, methodology and psychological research that is consistent with Scriptures are combined with the gifts of the Holy Spirit to provide a professional, yet biblical approach to meeting the needs of today’s society.
This degree requires successfully completing 144 credit hours plus additional studies. To receive this degree the student must also 1) Complete all course requirements 2) Prove competence throughout their tenure, and 3) Pass an oral evaluation by the ministerial board.

Students who fail to meet these additional requirements for the Christian Counselor degree can receive a Minister of Theology until they are able to meet these additional requirements.
Requirements for Graduation:
1. Minister of Theology curriculum plus additional work with focus on Counseling
a. 10 case studies
b. 100 hours of Supervised Clinical Training
2. Minimum numerical cumulative average of 86
3. Directed research in Counseling
4. A Thesis on Christian Counseling
5. Passing DISC Profile Knowledge Exam


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  1. Shellanna Phillips Avatar
    Shellanna Phillips

    I am interested in the counseling certificate. I am currently pursuing my bachelor’s in Human Services and would like to have a faith based verticals to go with it.

    1. admin Avatar

      You can start taking the courses you need whenever you want. Once you start turning in homework and taking the tests we set up a record for you and track your progress. You only need to fill in the application when you are ready to request certification or a degree.

      1. Rev. Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks Avatar
        Rev. Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks

        Hi, I would like the materials on the Christian Counseling Certificate and know how to start. I don’t see a link anywhere to download the catalog and please clarify, if a 20page paper is required – one place it said it was and another it said it was not. Thank you!

        1. admin Avatar

          Please email iisom@impactministries.com to request a catalog. The blogs on the right side of the home page have a link to the catalog. The format of the website just shows it as the title of the catalog. But we will email on to you also. Please let us know where it says a 20 page paper is not required so we can correct that information. A 20 page paper is required for certification.

    2. Elson Ngazimbi Avatar
      Elson Ngazimbi

      send me the degree course outline

      1. admin Avatar

        The school catalog has a link in the the first post – Read This First. https://iisom.com/read-this-before-beginning-any-coursework/

        1. Elson Avatar

          I want to start the theology bachelors degree programme.

          i am from Zambia ,Lusaka .AFRICA.

          Wats up Mobile contact; 00260961876950

          1. admin Avatar

            Please contact stephanie@impactministries.com. We have a program for foreign students. Please read through the catalog which is found in the second blog on the right side of the home page. Just click on the blue words 2020 IISOM Catalog when you open the blog.

        2. Elson Avatar

          May I have the quotation or proforma and how do i send the application forms ,provide active email address please

    3. Refilwe Nwigbo Avatar
      Refilwe Nwigbo

      I am interested on the certificate in counselling because many flood my shop for counselling,yet I am trained for it….

      1. admin Avatar

        Hi Refilwe, Please contact iisom@impactministries.com about the programs we have available for foreign nationals.

  2. Tiaan Avatar

    Hi can this be done online , I live in South Africa and if not how can one go about coming to America to study ?Regards Tiaan

    1. admin Avatar

      we no longer have a residential program. You can either take the courses online or download the courses from impactministries.com/shop the School of Ministry category.

  3. Jonathan Avatar

    Have there been any major issues with the BA transferring to other schools for those wishing to pursue graduate programs elsewhere?

    1. admin Avatar

      There have been some issues, depending on the other institution’s theology.

  4. Heather Avatar

    What does it cost to go through a course like the new testament leadership program I’m just looking to apply God’s word to my life. I’m a stay at home mom and I want to know the truth from a credible source. Thanks

    1. admin Avatar

      each course costs $149. In the certifications there are usually 12 courses. You can pay as you go through a course.

  5. Doug Avatar

    Do you have the list of course-load for the Theology degree and their corresponding hours for each course?

    1. admin Avatar

      Am sending you a catalog

      1. Mark Liebenberg Avatar
        Mark Liebenberg

        Can you please send me a Theology Degree catalog as well

      2. Desiree Avatar

        Hello, I too am interested in the Bachelor Degree in Theology. Can you send me a catalog and information about the course.

        Thank you!!

        1. admin Avatar

          catalog sent

      3. jri183 Avatar

        Please send me a catalog as well, for the theology degree program. Thank you.

  6. Stephen Gunning Avatar
    Stephen Gunning

    Please send me full details of your Theology degree programme. Thanks!

  7. anthony quattro Avatar
    anthony quattro

    Hello, could i please have the same catalog that you sending Doug which he requested regarding the course-load for the Theology degree and their corresponding hours for each course?

    greatly appreciated.

  8. Juliet mokwe Avatar
    Juliet mokwe

    Please may I know how to get started with this certificate course Christian counselling certificate

  9. Dianne Hamilton Avatar
    Dianne Hamilton


    I am interested in pursuing a Bachelor of Theology. Can it be done with a major in Christian counseling? How would I get more information please?

    With thanks

  10. Kenzie Avatar

    Could I also get a catalog of the Theology degree requirements? Thanks so much!

  11. Mark Liebenberg Avatar
    Mark Liebenberg

    Can i please get more information on the Batchelor of Theology degree.

  12. Mark Liebenberg Avatar
    Mark Liebenberg

    Please send me more details on the Bachelor of Theology degree. Can I take it online?

  13. Estella Cotter Avatar
    Estella Cotter

    Oh my goodness. What a banquet!! I don’t know where to begin…that’s not entirely true. As I progress through Heart Physics and engage in Dr. Jim’s teachings, in my heart I feel like I need to unlearn what I have learned over the years of being brought up in the mainstream church. I feel like I need to get my own house in order before moving forward, and solid Biblical understanding resonates with me. What Course(s) would you recommend?

    1. admin Avatar

      I would recommend taking The Gospel of John, Bible Doctrines, New Testament Realities, and Galatians/Ephesians

      1. Kim Avatar

        Where can I find details on Heart Physics Estella mentions?

        1. admin Avatar

          Go to heartphysics.com

  14. Steven Ray Yost Avatar
    Steven Ray Yost

    I’m Steven Ray Yost.
    I feel a calling to teach and teach with my spiritual self to enhance others lives in the most positive manner possible.

    I am reluctent to write but, I am anyhow. I would love to see some sample material of the courses you have listed on this site. Please let me know what yo can do.

    Thank you.
    Steve Yost

  15. Shannon Crouse Avatar
    Shannon Crouse

    How much does each class cost on the bachelor of theology? Cost per credit hour? Other fees?
    Lastly could you send me a catalog for the bachelor degree?

    1. admin Avatar

      Each course is $149. There are 48 courses required for gradualtion

  16. Lynda Avatar

    Hello I have worked with individuals as well as groups for many years. Recently I completed the Essential Heart Physics and wondering what is required to become a Heart Coach.

    1. admin Avatar

      contact pat@impactministries.com. She hellps those who want to be coaches.

  17. godlovesnene Avatar


    How do I pursue a Bachelor of Theology degree?

    1. admin Avatar

      Start taking courses either here or downloading the mp3s at impactministries.com store. When you start turning in your homework and tests we start tracking your progress. When you are close to completing we need the admissions form so we have all that information about you.

  18. Sharon Briggs Avatar
    Sharon Briggs

    How much is the course for Counseling Certificate?

    1. admin Avatar

      There are 12 courses required at $149 each

  19. Rita Prassas Avatar
    Rita Prassas

    I’m interested in the New Testament theology certificate but can’t find the available courses for it to purchase. Is there a new 2019 catalog of courses available so I can plan my schedule

  20. Barbie Avatar

    I would like to study Hebrew and Greek. Do you have a package for purchase? Thanks in advance.

    1. admin Avatar

      There is no package, you would just have to take each course individually

      1. Elson Ngazimbi Avatar
        Elson Ngazimbi

        can someone study Greek on its on

        1. admin Avatar

          Yes, you can take any course you want, you do not have to enter a specific program unless you want a degree or certificate.

  21. Ina burimi Avatar
    Ina burimi

    Is there a time limit to completing a course, or can I go at my own pace? I am a single mom and work full time and I don’t have much time left. Thanks

    1. admin Avatar

      Hi, You work at your own pace, there is no time limit

  22. James Barnard Avatar
    James Barnard

    I’m interested in bachelor of theology, please send me the catalog

  23. Carol Duty Avatar
    Carol Duty

    Hello, I am interested in the Counseling Certificate and Degree Programs. Please send me any information you have for these.


    1. admin Avatar

      Emailed the catalog to you

  24. Erika Liburd Avatar
    Erika Liburd

    I just want to learn Greek and Hebrew to have a better understanding of scriptures. Once I purchase a course how long do I have to complete it?

    What courses should I take to meet these goals?

    1. admin Avatar

      There is no time limit for finishing the course however we always suggest you set your intention to finish at a certain time so you will work for that goal.
      You should take Greek 1 & 2 and Chaim Bentorah’s Hebrew course. Chaim’s course is introductiory but you can go further by going to his website https://www.chaimbentorah.com/all-access/

  25. Pam Bedenbaugh Avatar
    Pam Bedenbaugh

    Please email me the catalogs for Bachelor of Theology and Christian Counselor degrees. How long would it typically take ( how is designed) to complete these degrees?

    1. admin Avatar

      There is a link to the catalog on the home page here. I will email it to you also. If you take the courses full time as set up it will take 2 years to complete the Bachelor of Theology and 2 1/2 years for the Christian Counseling degree.

      1. Ina Burimi Avatar
        Ina Burimi

        Hi. Can you send that to me as well? Thank you!

  26. Elijah Emmanuel Mtishibi. Avatar
    Elijah Emmanuel Mtishibi.

    I would like to join your college. I am interested. And I. Am eagerly to study the word of God, if I will be accepted to study with you, I will appreciate. God bless you. Your doing a good job

    1. admin Avatar

      Download the catalog on the home page and fill in the application.

  27. Norbert Avatar

    Dear Rev Mtishibi.
    Greetings from IISOM in Tanzania.
    I have emailed you an application forms for you to fill and return it back to our IISOM’s office in Arusha.
    Call us at +255755296674/+255621072783
    Thank you.

  28. Meri Harris Avatar
    Meri Harris


    I am interested in receiving more information regarding your certificate programs and degree of theology degree. Does the degree in theology include the Old and New Testament certificate programs as well, or are they separate?

    Do I need to apply for admittance to pursue a degree in theology? What is the process?

    Thank you very much for your assistance.

    Meri F. L. Harris

    1. admin Avatar

      The bachelor of theology degree requires all courses listed on the website. The minister of theology (associates degree) requires both the Old and New Testament certificates. You do not need to make an application to start the courses, (many people just want to take a few courses so we don’t require an application to start) but you do need to fill in the application once you decide to pursue a certificate or degree. The catalog link with the application is on the homepage in the blog.

  29. Lorena Sierra Avatar
    Lorena Sierra

    Hi, I am interested in Christian Counselor Degree. I am from Mexico. Can I do it online? If it is possible, please send me information.

    I am an Ultimate Impact and World Changer member. So blessed to be part of it and I want to keep growing.

    Thank you!

    1. admin Avatar

      The courses at iisom.com are only online courses. You can start the courses whenever you are ready. A copy of the catalog is linked on the blogs on the right side of the home page.

  30. Ashley Avatar

    Hi Jim,

    I just wanted to thank you so much for sharing the grace messages that God has given you with the world. Because of God using men/women like you, my mind was saved by the power of the Holy Spirit. I feared at one point that I would end up in a mental home. But now, I have a B.A from Charis Bible college (Andrew Wommack), I run a Christian daycare, I’m a certified Life Break Through coach and have had the pleasure of coaching others, I have a wonderful husband and we are expecting our second child. Not only that but one of my books has caught the eye of a literary agent and she wants to present it to publishers. I have never been in debt (God supplied all my needs and gave me the wisdom to navigate through 8+ years of schools after high school), my husband was a home pastor in CO and we moved to CA to reach the unchurched. Your messages on the Gospel of Peace saved me when I was dealing with New Age demons and was caught in a deep pit of condemnation and self loathing. I could cry when I think about how much God showed me His love and forgiveness. I learned that it was all about His power in my weakness and that His love for me far surpassed anything I ever imagined. I am interested in your New Testament Leadership Certification program. I saw in one of your comments that you said to go to your store and just start purchasing the classwork from there. I will check that out and if I have any questions I will give the ministry a call. Again, thank you for being faithful to share God’s Word! It really made the difference between my soul being destroyed and me thriving because of truth and the Holy Spirit’s ability.

    Love in Christ,

    your sister Ashley

    1. admin Avatar

      Thank you for your testimony. If you prefer you can take the courses online here at iisom.com. They are the same price as the downloads but most have videos instead of the mp3 downloads you would get at impactministries.com.

      1. Ashley Thompson Avatar
        Ashley Thompson


        I’m a bit confused why I cannot access the course Pastoral Epistles? I paid for it several weeks ago. This is what the website is saying: “Order #82997 was placed on June 16, 2020 and is currently On hold.”

        May someone please contact me about this?

        1. admin Avatar

          We had an error in the paypal process. It has been fixed now.

          1. Ashley Thompson Avatar
            Ashley Thompson

            I did get an email from you guys saying the paypal issue was sorted but I am still not able to access the course in my account downloads. Thank you for your email.

  31. Rev. Charles Chirwa Avatar
    Rev. Charles Chirwa

    Dear College President.
    Greetings in the wonderful name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
    We are Duncan Bible College located in Lusaka, Zambia. The college has been in existence for the past 20 years. We have been offering diploma and certificates to our students upon completion of their studies for a period of one and two years respectively. The lecturers we have possess different qualifications in bachelor of Theology, bachelor of Ministry, Master of Divinity and PhD Theology. For the past years as stated, the college did not have qualified personnel and this inhibited the process of affiliation. For your further information, another lecturer is completing his final requirements for his PhD studies in Divinity.
    We write this letter to enquire on how we can affiliate our college to your School. We ready to hear from you what the requirements are for affiliation. Your response to this effect will be highly appreciated.

    Yours Duncan Bible College

    Rev. Charles Chirwa
    Acting Principal

    1. admin Avatar

      Rev. Chirwa, What we offer in the way of affiliation is what we call Project 1 Billion. I am sending you an email in regards to this.

  32. reginaldvereen Avatar


    i wanted to know can i use my army education benefit for the New Testament Leadership Certificate

    1. admin Avatar

      The army has not approved our school in the past but it never hurts to ask, they have made changes.

  33. vanessa boman Avatar
    vanessa boman

    Hi, I am in the UK and truly want to do the study but wonder if at 66 years of age you would take me on? Its been a deep desire of mine to go deeper in the Lord and His word for ages, but now I believe I am able to start, can you advise me as to how best to do this? I want to be a godly counsellor and know my bible in increasing measure so as to help those seeking help in my area.

    1. admin Avatar

      Of course you can take our courses. God has never said age was a limitation – think of Moses who was over 80 when he started leading the Israelites, Caleb who was 85 when he said ‘Give me that mountain to conquer’ Abraham who finally fathered his son of promise at 100. I was at a church service with Oral Roberts on his 80th birthday who stood up and said ‘I am so excited about the new things God is teaching me now’ There are many more people through the ages that kept learning a starting new ministries well into their 80s and 90s – 66 is just kind of young.
      You can start by choosing a course that interests you in the shop. You can download the catalog (Click on the catalog name in the post on the right side of the home page that says ‘Read this Before Beginning Any Coursework’ The catalog link is included ther – just click on the name of the catalog. Look at the list of required courses and choose which one you want to start with. You do not have to fill in the application form and pay the fee before starting, that is a requirement we have before we can give anyone a degree or certificate so you have to send it in sometime before completing your courses. If you have any questions contact iisom@impactministries.com

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