One of many great values in completing our program is the opportunity to earn a recognized, accredited degree. A degree adds a new dimension of recognition, prestige and acceptance to your ministerial and professional credibility. Many of our students have received employment and obtained raises and promotions in secular business because of a degree from IISOM. Besides receiving quality training and valuable life experience, you can earn a degree that validates the distinction of your accomplishments.
The following is a current list of certificates and degrees offered by IISOM. This catalog and all stated requirements are for the current academic year. All students should keep the catalog under which they enter IISOM. The requirements for degrees are fixed for four years from the time your begin taking your first class. Choosing to complete your course of study over a longer period of time may mean you have to meet the requirements of a new catalog.
1. New Testament Theology Certificate
A thorough grounding in vital topics and verse-by-verse analysis of selected books of the Bible is a pre-requisite for personal success, whatever your field of endeavor.
This certificate enables the student to lay hold of God’s Word and incorporate these realities into effective daily living.
Requirements for NT Theology Certificate
1. A passing grade on the entire curriculum
2. Bible Doctrines
3. John
4. Acts
5. Romans/Galatians
6. I Corinthians
7. II Corinthians
8. New Testament Realities
9. Hebrews
10. General Epistles
11. Eschatology
12. Prayer
13. Holy Spirit
14. A 20 page paper on what Jesus did on the cross means today and how you work that into your life.
2. New Testament Leadership Certificate
This program is designed for the person seeking to develop his or her leadership skills for ministry or business. It includes the core leadership development curriculum. It is the ideal program for the minister or business leader who is seeking to take his/her ministry/business to the next level of effectiveness. It is especially valuable for those seeking to develop a team around them by multiplying leaders, whether in ministry or business
These courses are ideal for Continuing Education Units for those ministers or professionals needing them.
Requirements for the NT Leadership Certificate:
1. A passing grade on the entire curriculum
2. Counseling 1, 2 & 3
3. Administration 1, 2, & 3
4. Church Growth
5. Addictions Counseling, Substance Abuse & Detox, Dynamics of Small Groups
6. Pastoral Epistles
7. Keys to Successful Living
8. A 20 page paper on the principles of New Testament Leadership
3. Old Testament Theology Certificate
The Old Testament is the record of God dealing with mankind before the Cross. His plans, purposes, protection and promises. This program will ground you in the Old Testament looking back through the Cross.
Requirements for Graduation:
1. A passing grade on the entire curriculum
2. Creation
3. Genesis
4. Exodus
5. Leviticus
6. Numbers
7. Deuteronomy
8. Old Testament survey
9. Keys to Successful Living
10. Praise and Worship
11. Demonology and Deliverance
12. Character, Manners, and Ethics
13. Prayer
4. Christian Counseling Certificate
This program prepares you to effectively counsel through your church or as a life coach. ‘To be great you must understand yourself better than others understand you, to be wise you must understand others more than they understand themselves. This program will help you to understand yourself and understand others and in the process prepare you to minister emotional
health .
Requirements for Christian Counseling Certificate
1. A passing grade on all required courses.
2. Counseling 1
3. Counseling 2
4. Counseling 3
5. Family Relations
6. Addictions Counseling
7. Substance Abuse and Detox
8. Foundations of Faith
9. Effective Communication
10. Key to Successful Living
11. Character, Manners and Ethics
12. Administration 1
13. Holy Spirit
14. A twenty page paper on the principles and modalities of Christian Counseling
It is not required for the certificate but it is highly recommended that you also pursue becoming a Heart Physics Coach.
5. Bachelor of Theology Degree
This undergraduate degree is a well rounded program that prepares the student both academically, and spiritually to succeed at business, ministry and life. This is a thorough program that provides an excellent knowledge of the Word of God, practical application of ministry and special emphasis on leadership development. This degree is awarded to those students who successfully complete the prescribed 144 credit hours.
Requirements for Graduation:
1. Successfully complete 144 credit hours
2. Minimum numerical cumulative average of 80
6. Christian Counselor Degree
This program prepares the student to counsel effectively from a biblical perspective. Evaluation tools, methodology and psychological research that is consistent with Scriptures are combined with the gifts of the Holy Spirit to provide a professional, yet biblical approach to meeting the needs of today’s society.
This degree requires successfully completing 144 credit hours plus additional studies. To receive this degree the student must also 1) Complete all course requirements 2) Prove competence throughout their tenure, and 3) Pass an oral evaluation by the ministerial board.
Students who fail to meet these additional requirements for the Christian Counselor degree can receive a Minister of Theology until they are able to meet these additional requirements.
Requirements for Graduation:
1. Minister of Theology curriculum plus additional work with focus on Counseling
a. 10 case studies
b. 100 hours of Supervised Clinical Training
2. Minimum numerical cumulative average of 86
3. Directed research in Counseling
4. A Thesis on Christian Counseling
5. Passing DISC Profile Knowledge Exam
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