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• So much to do so little time? Make time for Impact International School of Ministry. Just like you spend 8 hours a day at work, you will want to spend the appropriate time on the online class work. If you drag this out too long you will lose interest.
• Study 50 minutes and then take a 10-minute break. Stretch, relax and have an energy snack.
• If you’re getting tired, switch to a different task/activity, subject, or environment. Stop studying when you become unproductive.
• Have a special place to study. Take into consideration lighting, temperature, interruptions, availability of materials, and sound.
• All study guide questions are answered in the class lectures. Listen attentively.
• Keep the appropriate study guide with your appropriate set of notes, in the same binder.
• Take thorough notes. You want your notes to be good enough to teach from. Just getting by is not an acceptable attitude for note taking.
• Only use a study guide to make sure you answered the questions in your notes. Do not limit your note taking to the study guide.
• Take the quiz when you have studied your notes.
• Send any homework by email to iisom@impactministries.com or snail mail to IISOM, 3300 N Broad Pl SW, Huntsville, AL 35805.
Have fun enjoying the truths that are being presented to you. God is a God of love and fun; enjoy the journey of getting to know him in you.
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