
  • How to Flow in the Supernatural by Dave and Bonnie Duell

    by Dave & Bonnie Duell
    7 Lessonsin
    • How to Flow inthe Supernatural$149.00

    Training in living the abundant life by Dave and Bonnie Duell

  • IISOM Application

    by Dr. Jim Richards
    0 Lessonsin
    • IISOM Application$25.00

    IISOM Application Click Here

  • Keys to Successful Living

    by Dr. Jim Richards
    • Keys To Successful Living$149.00

    An in-depth study into God’s plan for man’s success through the operation and application of New Testament principles of faith and grace. This course embodies some of the most world renowned, Bible-based principles of success. Through this course you will de-mystify the faith walk of the believer. You will have the keys for success and the confidence to use them.

  • Learning the Hebrew Language

    by Chaim Bentorah
    • Conversations From the Heart of God$69.00

    Welcome to the Conversations with God Seminar. The videos are password protected. The passwords are as follows: CHRSC CHLSN1 CHLSN2 CHLSN3 CHLSN4 CHLSN5 CHLSN6 CHLSN7 CHQA1 CHQA2 The link to the slides is under the video players. Learning God’s Love Language-Book Learning God’s Love Language Workbook

  • Level 1 EFT Certification

    by Dr. Jim Richards
    1 Lessonin
    • EFT Level 1 Certification$25.00

    Level I certification provides you with the basic training to use Biblically based EFT for Transformation. Using EFT professionally: 1. Be sure you know the laws for your state concerning ministry and counseling.2. If you are presently a minister, pastor counselor or life coach, EFT will simply be one of the modalities you will use […]

  • New Testament Realities

    by Dr. Jim Richards
    5 Lessonsin
    • New Testament Realities$149.00

    a verse-by-verse study of Ephesians, Philippians and Colossians. These books contain revelations concerning the unique position of the church and the believer, in the Lord Jesus. Special attention is given to the reality of the believer’s new identity in Jesus. No other books reveal God’s eternal plan like these. This was the mystery hidden from all generations and revealed to us.

  • Old Testament Survey

    by Dr. Jim Richards
    6 Lessonsin
    • Old Testament Survey$149.00

    This class will provide a thorough overview of the history of Israel from the time of Judges until Esther.  This study reveals crucial insights into God’s ability to develop and work with leaders.  This course will analyze the struggles of Israel and emphasize the continual mercy founded in God’s promises.  Special attention is given to the character traits of the people of the Old Testament and how God was able to use them despite their weaknesses.

  • Pastoral Epistles

    by Dr. Jim Richards
    6 Lessonsin
    • Pastoral Epistles$149.00

    This Course shows how Paul mentored Timothy to develop him into a man of character and faith. This verse-by-verse study of I and II Timothy and Titus is supplemented with selected pastoral instruction from other New Testament epistles. Learn the principles that Paul used to select and develop leaders. This class will help you avoid some of the most common pitfalls in developing yourself as a leader.

  • Praise & Worship

    by Dr. Jim Richards
    • Praise & Worship$149.00

    This class is designed to provide a theological basis for praise and worship. Additionally, this class will provide an introduction to the practical and spiritual principles that are involved in leading a praise and worship service. Special emphasis will be placed on learning to experience God in praise and worship.

  • Prayer

    by Dr. Jim Richards
    • Prayer$149.00

    A study of the major concepts of prayer in the Old and New Testaments. Learn how to make prayer a personal, powerful time of transformation. Special instruction is given to affect your heart through prayer and worship, thereby avoiding boredom and vain repetition. This class will give you the tools to write the truth of God’s Word on your heart.